And the awards go to…


Thank you to everyone who visited the blog last week and nominated children for an assembly award. Well done to all the children. I hope you all enjoyed the latest video. I plan to get another video up on the site this Friday so do leave a comment below with your new nominations by Thursday lunchtime at the latest.

Please don’t feel you can’t nominate your child again just because they already received a ‘shout out’ the previous week. We will always try to mention as many children as possible and if a nomination comes through too late for that week’s video, we’ll try to carry it over to the following week. I know you adults at home are working very hard to support children with their learning so I’m thinking you deserve the occasional nomination yourself! Feel free to subtly suggest to your children that they nominate you, especially for the Tidy Friday award if you want to make that one a little competitive!

Please just use first names and the first initial of surnames for children and for yourselves in the comments. You can mention the class or year group too.


Teachers continue to update the blogs on a daily basis and they are now starting to include the blog content as a downloadable Word document or PDF in case that is helpful for families. Visit the blogs to find these files.

All the learning going on in your homes is something to be proud of. Well done for all you are achieving as a family. Thank you.

Mr Poyton

New term, new nominations…

I hope you all managed to enjoy your Easter break and, despite the necessary limitations we are facing, had a fun and relaxing time with loved ones.

Teachers have updated all the blogs with new home learning guidance:

If your child is in Reception look out for Tapestry emails.

You can also find Knowledge Organisers and related home learning ideas (many of which can still be attempted during the lockdown) for the new Year 1-6 topics here.

The BBC have also launched new Bitesize home learning resources today which you may want to explore.

We hope to get another assembly video up on this website on Friday. Thank you for the kind comments about the last one. Please start commenting below this blog post with your new nominations! Preferably by this Thursday lunchtime please. You can nominate children for their behaviour and attitudes during the Easter break, not just this week. A reminder of the awards:

  • Head of School Award (for showing one or more of our school values)
  • Sports Personality of the Week (showing the values through sport and exercise)
  • Readers and Writers of the Week
  • Tidy Friday Award
  • The Jackie Johnson Award (for good manners)

Have a great week everyone. Stay safe and take care.

Mr Poyton

Assembly online now!

Our first online assembly is now here. Thank you to parents and carers for all the nominations. Apologies if your child’s name wasn’t mentioned this time but there’s always the next one! Do take a moment to read the comments below my previous blog post to read about the wonderful things children have been doing at home. They are inspiring!

Wishing you all a Happy Easter holiday despite the restrictions there will be on egg hunts! Teachers will be back on the blogs from April 20th. You can read the final newsletter of the term here if you haven’t received it in an email.

One last thing for now…It is inevitable that children will be spending more time online during this period. A reminder then that we have guidance for keeping children safe online here.

Take care all,

Mr Poyton