Want to see your art online?

A message to all Lawford Mead pupils!

We hope to have another online advent calendar on our website this year but we need YOUR art to make it happen.

Give your winter and Christmas themed art work (ideally on A4 paper) to your teacher or to me and one day in December it could appear on the advent calendar and help people get excited about this holiday season!

Only 28 ‘sleeps’ to go!

Mr Poyton


#STOPSPEAKSUPPORT – being kind online

Thursday of Anti-Bullying Week was #STOPSPEAKSUPPORT Day, a time to focus on how we treat each other online.

Here is a video with advice for older children, Year 5 & 6 particularly,  about what to do when ‘banter’ online turns negative.

Remember, whether online or face to face, it’s not ‘banter’ if…

  1. You would be upset if someone said it to you.
  2. It’s hurtful.
  3.  You’re not friends.
  4. Someone has asked you to stop.
  5. The target isn’t laughing.
  6. It focuses on someone’s insecurities (things they worry about).

And before you post something online, THINK…

  1. Why am I posting this?
  2. Am I being kind?
  3. Would I say this to their face?
  4. Could it be interpreted differently?
  5. Do I have permission to post this?
  6. Will I feel good about this later?


Mr Poyton


Our assemblies today were about anti-bullying week.  Yesterday we started the week in style when we celebrated our differences by wearing odd socks.

Today we talked about what bullying really is and what we can do to tackle it.  We  talked about the ‘STOP’ rule for recognising a problem and then solving it…


Bullying is when someone is  hurting or unkind to the same person…

S everal

T imes

O n

P urpose

When that happens we need to…

S tart

T elling 

O ther

P eople

Adults in school will always be ready to listen and help you.

The theme for anti-bullying week this year is ‘Choose Respect’.  Lucky for us, RESPECT is one of our values!  I asked Reception and KS1 how we can show RESPECT to others.  They had some brilliant answers…

  • care for others
  • use kind words, hands and feet
  • say sorry
  • play kindly
  • play with people who look sad
  • don’t fight
  • think about others
  • take care of people’s things
  • listen to each other

Let’s all remember these things and work as a team to make sure everyone feels safe and happy at school so they can do their very best learning.

Have you got any other top tips for each other?  What anti-bullying motto and promises did you and your class come up with this week?

Mr Poyton

Respect and Remembrance

There was a lot to remember in our celebration assembly today!

Anti-Bullying Week 2018: Choose Respect

  • Next week is National Anti-Bullying Week.  The theme this year is ‘Choose Respect’.
  • To kick things off, on Monday, pupils and staff at schools across the country (including Lawford Mead!) will be wearing odd socks to show that we celebrate and value our differences. No donation required.
  • There is also an Anti-Bullying writing competition.  You can write whatever you like, a poem, a story…as long as it has an anti-bullying or respect theme. There can be an element of drawing, especially for younger children.  You can hand your entries to Miss Cope, Miss Dearing or a member of School Council.  The deadline is next Friday, November 16th.

Children In Need

  • Next Friday is also Children in Need day.
  • Wristbands (£1) and bookmarks (10p) will be on sale in the playground during break and lunchtimes throughout the week….until we run out!
  • Friday is our spotty/polka dot themed non-uniform day.  Please bring donations of at least 50p.

It’s going to be a fun week. What are you looking forward to most? Thank you to School Council for all they are doing to organise these events.


School Council have also been selling poppies and we were very proud of all the children this morning when we all held a respectful and thoughtful minute’s silence in assembly.


Wishing all our families a fantastic weekend,

Mr Poyton

Wise words from Year 6

Check out this brilliant poem Jess and Elsie from Year 6 wrote and read out to the whole school in celebration assembly for our reflection time…


Reverse your fear

And keep your mind clear.

Never have anything that could interfere.

Make sure your face is decorated with a smile.

No matter what people say

Wear it with style.

Wake up stronger than yesterday.


Face your fears and wipe your tears.

Face your fears with things you enjoy.

This might even be playing with your favourite toy.

Remember to always count your friends as a team.

Doing this, you will be able to live your dream.

Confront your fears

Because then they won’t be your fears any more.