Kindness at Christmas

In our lower school assembly this week we read ‘How the Grinch Stole Christmas’ together. We discussed why the Grinch acted the way he did and what he learned from the people of Whoville by the end of the story.

In our upper school assembly we watched this year’s Apple’s Christmas TV advert and discussed what the animator learns to be a more positive person.

In both assemblies we discussed what we can do to cheer up and comfort anyone who might be cross, sad or lonely, at Christmas time or any other time!

Hour of Code

In upper school assembly this week we talked about coding because we are taking part in this year’s Hour of Code. We thought about how advances in computer programming might make our lives easier in the future and the skills we might need for good jobs in the future.

You can watch the first video we discussed here to understand more about coding.

We also watched this video about an inspirational student who is sharing his passion for computer programming…

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

In assemblies this week we tested our knowledge of the Christian church’s Christmas traditions by trying out this Advent quiz. We were surprised by some of the answers!

We then talked about our special Lawford Mead traditions that make Christmas extra special at our school.

Finally we shared some of our own family traditions at this time of year. What seemed most important to the children that shared was the time sent with loved ones.

Next Wednesday, on our Christmas dinner day, we will raise money for Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day campaign.

Make sure you keep an eye on our online advent calendar this month!