Shrove Tuesday and Lent

Children learnt about Shrove Tuesday and Lent today and our House Captains took part in an fierce pancake flipping competition!

The tradition of eating pancakes on Shrove Tuesday comes from when Christians would use up ingredients before they began fasting (giving up food) for Lent and focused on God in preparation for Easter.

Even if you and your family don’t give something up for Lent, as many Christians still do, it’s a good time to start something new and give yourself a positive challenge to aspire to.  Did you make a New Years Resolution/Aspiration this year?  Now might be the time to reflect on how that’s going, or to set yourself a new goal.

Leave a comment below telling us what you are striving to achieve this half term.

Mr P

p.s. You can find a recipe for pancakes here!  Always ask an adult to help you in the kitchen.  Happy Flipping!

Count Me In!


In an assembly this week we watched a catchy and thought provoking music video.  The song is about celebrating our differences and including everyone.

Can you leave a comment below saying what you think the message of the song is and what we can learn from it?

Here are the song lyrics if you want to sing along at home!

Count Me In! I am special!  I’m outstanding! I can win! So Count Me In!
There is light and dark and freckles
Lots of different kinds of skin
Some folks like to sit real quiet
Others like to dance and spin
Doesn’t matter where you come from
Doesn’t matter where you’ve been
Everybody is important
So Count Me In
Count Me in, Count Me In
I’m important! I’m outstanding! I can win! So Count Me In!
Some have straight hair Some have curly Some have hair upon their chin
Some have tiny little smiles
Others have a great big grin
Everybody’s an original
Even if you have a twin
Everybody is important
So Count Me In
I am special! I’m outstanding! I can win! So Count Me In! 


Mr P

***UPDATE *** Thank you to the Y6 boys who, inspired by the song, wrote and read out our reflection time in celebration assembly this week…

True friendship is everything, it lasts a lifetime
Don’t exclude people from your games.
Treat everyone equally as they are human too.
We are all friends and we can do anything together.


Safer Internet Day


This Tuesday was Safer Internet Day.  Thank you to Mrs Mason and Miss Middleton for their thought provoking assemblies on keeping safe online.

For parents, here is a Parent’s Pack you may find useful if you want to explore and discuss issues of online safety at home with your children.

And why not try the Safer Internet Day Quiz as a family.

Stay safe everybody, especially during half term.  Leave a comment below if you have some advice for taking care when using the internet and social media.

Mr P

NSPCC Number Day!




Children wore numbers and had a great day of maths problem solving to celebrate  NSPCC Number Day 2017!

Thank you to families for your donations to a worthy cause and thanks to Miss Smith for organising the fun.

Don’t forget the big Number Day Challenges.  Click on the pictures below to enlarge…

ks1 lks2uks2

And to see more fantastic pictures from Number Day click on the photo below…

number day

Mr P