Facing our fears…

In our KS2 assembly today we talked about Halloween and, although not everyone chooses to celebrate it, it is time when people laugh and have fun with ‘scary’ things.  Facing fears with a smile means those fears are not really very scary anymore!

In one of the Harry Potter books, the pupils at Hogwarts learn the ‘Riddikulus’ spell to help them defeat a ‘boggart’.  A boggart is a magical (made up!) creature that takes the shape of your worst fear.  The spell allows you to turn that scary image into something funny, so you are no longer afraid. For Ron Weasley the boggart makes him imagine a giant spider, but the spell lets him imagine the spider in roller skates so he just laughs at it!

At Lawford Mead, our values of PASSION and RESILIENCE are our ‘spells’ against any fears and worries we might have in school.  In assembly, one pupil said she is sometimes scared of getting things wrong in lessons.  We discussed how that is never something we need to be afraid of if we show those values of passion (by remembering to have fun and approach learning with a smile) AND resilience (by remembering that mistakes help us learn and never giving up).

Can you leave a comment below saying what you are sometimes afraid of and what you can do to help you ‘laugh in the face of fear’?

And remember, if you do go ‘trick or treating’, please be SAFE, be KIND and show our values of RESPECT and INTEGRITY.

Mr Poyton