Dealing with disappointment

In our assemblies this week we read and listened to the inspirational lyrics of a song from ‘Matilda the Musical’ and discussed the song’s message of resilience (one of our school values)…

Even if you’re little, you can do a lot, you
Mustn’t let a little thing like ‘little’ stop you.
If you sit around and let them get on top, you
Won’t change a thing.
Just because you find that life’s not fair, it
Doesn’t mean that you just have to grin and bear it.
If you always take it on the chin and wear it,
You might as well be saying you think that it’s OK.
And that’s not right.
And if it’s not right, you have to put it right.

But nobody else is gonna put it right for me.
Nobody but me is gonna change my story.

We then watched Newsround videos (click here to watch yourself) about the recent attempt to launch a rocket and satellites into space here in the UK.  It took 10 years to prepare and would have been a historic moment.  But it didn’t work!  The rocket engineers were very disappointed but they will figure out what went wrong and then try again.

Finally, we learnt the ‘Serenity Prayer’.  Things don’t always go to plan but we just need to stop, think and keep trying. 

New Year Aspirations

It has been great to be back in school and to wish each other a healthy and happy 2023. In our first assemblies we look at some interesting, lesser known New Year traditions from around the world. Take a look:

Pupils and staff then shared some of their New Year’s resolutions or, as we call them at Lawford Mead, New Year’s aspirations.

What challenges are you setting yourself in 2023? Do you want to try something new? Work hard to improve at something you love, or find difficult? Do you plan to keep healthy, stay hydrated or be more helpful? Leave a comment below and tell us about your ambitions. Happy New Year!