Arrived in the post…

Today we received this lovely letter from Vicky Ford, Member of Parliament for Chelmsford.

Click on the image above to read it for yourself.

Indeed, we are very proud of what we have achieved and of what all our learners achieve every day.

Thank you Mrs Ford.

Mr Poyton

Word of the Week Challenge: inconspicuous

Well done to all who were able to use ‘perilous’ correctly during the past week.  Especially if it was in your writing!

This week we have chosen ‘inconspicuous’!

Pronounced  in – con – spic -uous

The Oxford dictionary says  inconspicuous is an adjective that means not clearly visible or not attracting attention.

For example, ‘an inconspicuous red-brick building’

Leave a comment below with an example sentence, try to use the word in conversation OR, best of all, use it correctly in your writing!

Mr Poyton

MLK Day 2019

Yesterday, Americans celebrated Martin Luther King Day.  It is a day where people honour the memory of a man that inspired so many people to treat each other fairly.  King inspired many to stand together to make their dream of peace, unity, justice and equality to become a reality.

Here is the video we watched in the KS2 assembly today about his famous ‘I have a dream’ speech.  What message from the speech means the most to you?  Do you have a favourite line?


Word of the Week Challenge: perilous

In our celebration assembly this Friday we announced our first Lawford Mead ‘Word of the Week’!  We will decide on a interesting word every Friday and challenge ourselves to use it in sentences between assemblies.

This week we have chosen ‘perilous‘!

The Oxford dictionary says perilous is an adjective that means ‘Full of danger or risk‘.

For example: ‘a perilous journey south
Can you post a comment below with a great sentence that accurately uses perilous?
Let’s see what we all came up with before next Friday!
Mr Poyton

Gymnastic? Fantastic!

Our gymnastics clubs are very popular and in assembly today we watched a brilliant video of a truly talented gymnast, Katelyn Ohashi.

I think this video can inspire us in 3 ways…

  1. Just LOOK at what you can achieve when you work hard and commit to practice.
  2. You can always have FUN when working very hard to achieve your goals. Check out the funky dancing between the somersaults and splits!
  3. Watch Katelyn’s friends and fellow gymnasts in the audience.  We can enjoy EACH OTHER’s successes as well as our own.  You can inspire others and be inspired by them too.

Who and what inspires you? How will you inspire others?

Mr Poyton

Year 6 parents presentation

Thank you to all the Year 6 parents who attended the presentation on Year 6 expectations and SATs.  You can find the PowerPoint slides used by teachers here.

All parents can find more information and guidance for supporting your child’s learning at home here.

Mr Poyton

Happy New Year!

We were very excited to welcome the children back this week. 2019 and the Spring term ahead are going to be jam packed with unforgettable experiences, learning and fun.

We look forward to seeing families at our MAGs mornings in March and FUDG mornings in June.  Keep an eye on the weekly newsletter for more information about those and other upcoming events.

As one of our school values is aspiration, we are always setting ourselves ambitious targets and trying our very best to achieve our goals.  But a new year is a particularly good time to set your heart and mind on something new or better. Have you got any new year’s resolutions you can share in a comment below this post?

Mr Poyton