Everyone’s welcome…

Click HERE to watch the Newsround video.

In our Key Stage 2 assembly this week we learnt about Marvel’s first Muslim superhero.

We watched young Muslim reporters Maryam and Nabeeha interview actress Iman Vellani, who plays 16-year-old Pakistani-American Kamala Khan in the new Ms Marvel TV show. In the show and original comic book, Kamala sees her life change forever after she gains some incredible superpowers.

In our assembly we talked about representation and how young Muslim comic fans will feel to have a superhero that they recognise and can relate to.

We discussed how we can make everyone feel welcome at Lawford Mead. We talked about the POWER and influence we all have to make people feel safe and happy and to show them they belong. Something as simple as a smile, a ‘Good morning’ and showing interest in someone else’s day and life has an amazing impact on how others feel and the atmosphere we want to have at Lawford Mead.

We also had a quick chat about super power we would want and why! How about you?