Black History Month

In our upper school assembly today we talked about Black History Month. It is a time to celebrate the achievements and contributions of black people, and a time to consider whether there are periods and people from history that we should know more about. We watched these videos below. One explained the purpose of Black History Month and the other told us about inspirational people that paved the way for a more diverse society. We love that Lawford Mead is a diverse community. We all have so much in common and we celebrate our differences.


In our lower school assembly today we talked about harvest. We discussed how grateful people will be when we donate cans and dried food to our local food bank. Christians thank God for their food at harvest time. But we all have lots of people we can thank for what we have, like our parents, carers and farmers. Don’t forget Jackie Johnson and the Tescos delivery driver!

We also talked about the favourite foods and meals that make us feel most grateful!

What are you thankful for and who would you like to thank?

We also looked at these pictures together and watched this video: