Parent E-Safety Workshops


Thank you to all the parents who attended our E-Safety Workshops today. The next one will be on Monday (Feb 29th) evening.  It was great to share and discuss what children learn in school about safe and responsible use of the internet.

Further parental guidance can be found here:

Activities and advice for pupils can be accessed here:

We look forward to seeing more of you at future parent events!

A challenge for pupils…can you leave a comment below with your top tips for staying safe online?

Mr Poyton

Playleaders to be PROUD of!


These responsible, kind children have been working hard as playleaders since Christmas.  Some have been doing it all year and even helped to train new playleaders! They are fantastic ambassadors for the school and show our values each and every day. THANK YOU playleaders!

Playleaders care about your lunchtime.  They feel passionately that all pupils have a positive time on the playground.  They want you all to enjoy playing with and making friends as you take a well-earned break from your hard work in class.

Look out for their red Lawford Mead caps in the playground.  If you feel a bit lonely or can’t think of what to play, find a playleader.  They can take you to an adult if you need help, teach you a game, play with you or just have a chat!

Speak to Miss Webster or Miss Lambert if you are in Year 5 or 6 and would like to be a playleader after Easter.

P.s.  When has a playleader or peer mentor helped you?

Karate Kids!


There is a wide range of fantastic clubs at Lawford Mead Primary but Wednesday’s Karate Club, run by Mr Brierley, is a little bit special.  Some of the children have earned their orange belt now.  Mr Brierley has been telling me that karate isn’t just about self-defence.  It’s about self-discipline, work ethic, fitness and confidence.  Not forgetting FUN!

Well, that list of values made me think of our SCHOOL values!  Sounds to me like learning karate is very similar to all the other learning we do at school.

Ask the school office if you want to find out more about Karate Club.

Mr P