Hit the Button Heroes!

Hit the Button Maths game (yr 1-6) | Nailsworth CofE Primary School

In our Year 3-6 assembly today we talked about our School Council’s latest project. They will being carrying out a survey in classes to find out how children feel we can improve our times table knowledge and recall and their favourite way to learn. School Council will be producing a leaflet for all children and staff, that explains all the ways children at Lawford Mead enjoy practicing their tables.

To get us excited and aspiring to improve, some children came to the front and showed off their Hit the Button skills against the clock, in front everyone. Children showed off their 3, 6 and 12 times table knowledge. Then Harry in Year 6 wowed us all with a record high score in ‘Mixed tables’!

What times table are you aspiring to conquer next? Leave a comment below telling us what tables you are working on and how YOU like to practice. Times Table Rockstars? Other games? Testing yourself and each other? Using a multiplication grid or poster?

You can play Hit the Button yourself HERE!

Mr Poyton

Anti-Bullying Week 2021

Next week is Anti-Bullying Week, so in assemblies we watched this video to get us thinking about the power of kindness:

Please leave a comment below telling us what kind words you can use to have a positive, powerful impact on others? What kind questions can you ask? What kind things can you say to make someone feel good? When will YOU use these kind words?

Don’t forget: we always kick off this special week with Odd Socks Day to celebrate diversity. So remember to wear odd socks next Monday, 15th November! Our differences are what makes us all special!

Here is the music video we watched in assembly…

Happy Diwali!

In Celebration Assembly this week we spent Reflection Time thinking about Diwali. The fireworks you have heard and seen this week haven’t all been for Guy Fawkes night! Watch a video about Diwali and find out more HERE.

Mrs Dubey celebrates Diwali and she led us in a quiet reflection. We closed our eyes and thought of something good we can do every day during the year ahead. We made a silent promise to ourselves that we would try out best to do that good thing every day.

Can you leave a comment below and tell us what your promise was?

Happy Diwali to all Lawford Mead families who celebrate!

Mr Poyton

Saving the planet

In our Year 3-6 Thinking Time Assembly on Tuesday, we talked about this week’s COP26 event. COP26 is a important meeting to discuss the environment. 200 world leaders are meeting in Scotland, to talk about about climate change and how countries are planning to tackle it. Any decisions and promises made could lead to big changes to our everyday lives.

To find out more about COP26, watch the video above or click on the CBBC Newsround link HERE.

In assembly we discussed what we thought we can do to help AND what we think the world leaders and powerful, rich people in the world should be doing.

Can you leave me a comment below telling me what you think about both those questions?

Mr Poyton