Redwood Writer of the Week – 17.1.19

This week’s writer of the week goes to Kat for writing a detailed and well-punctuated balanced argument linked to our topic. We were discussing the pros and cons of evacuation during the war and Kat has shown her flare for the topic in this piece of writing. Well done, Kat!

Writer of the week- Rowan

Well done to Felicity for returning to school after the Christmas Holidays with a fantastic attitude towards her work. This week we focused on a setting description of a war scene, using a video on Literacy Shed. See below an extract of Felicity’s work, notice the fantastic vocabulary choices for effect:

Surrounding me, men drop to the floor; it was as if they got weaker by the second. Fear paraded in the air, casting spells and weakening their will to try. The thought of disappointment spiraled in their heads as they dropped to the floor, breathing their last breath, blinking their last blink… Explosions pounced from left to right- completely unpredictable.  Twenty, thirty, fourty, fifty people down..

Memorable Experience- Anderson Shelters

We kicked off the Spring Term with our Memorable experience-making Anderson Shelters! They were used during WW2 to protect people from the Blitz. We look forward to learning more about the War and people’s experiences of it this term. Do any of your family members have experience of the war? Perhaps you can ask them!