Redwood Writer of the Week – 30th November 2018

This week the Writer of the Week goes to Brooke for showing aspiration over her myth she created based on the Mayan myth “The Hero Twins’. Brooke tried extremely hard to use impressive vocabulary and to use a semi-colon when necessary! Keep up the determination Brooke!

Below is an extract from her writing:


The story of the Basketball Games began with a girl and a boy named Lacey and Maxwell. Maxwell had brown hair and was very clever; Lacey had blonde hair and was extremely pretty. One day, they received a letter through the door: “we heard you’re extremely brilliant basketball players so come and meet us in the school playground…”

On that day, they wore a blue, teal shirt and candy-cane white shorts alongside black football boots. As they approached the playground, they kept on practising: they would thrown the ball up and catch it. They edged closer to their enemies…

Redwood Writer of the Week – 22nd Nov 2018

This week in Redwood, we have been completing assessments. At the end of last week, Joseph wrote a detailed set of instructions using sub-headings and key vocabulary in Science on how to create a periscope. The children have been really engaged with our topic ‘Light’ this half term. Well done, Joseph!

Writing for anti-bullying week in year 6

In year 6 this week, we have been writing an engaging narrative for anti-bullying week. We have been using the stimulus ‘Wing’ from Literacy Shed to retell the story of a creature who is bullied by a group of crows. Feeling isolated, Wing tries to change the way he is to fit in – this doesn’t work. Luckily, he finds a creature similar to himself, becomes friends with her and flies away – escaping the torment of the crows! The children spent time creating an emotion graph, planning, writing and then editing their stories.


See some examples of our stories over the next few weeks on display in the corridor by the office. Well done year 6 on some wonderful writing!


Writer of the Week – Redwood 8th Nov 2018

This week in Redwood, we have been writing about a video stimulus to represent the Mexican festival ‘Dia De Muertos’. The children used varied openers, topic-specific vocabulary and figurative language.

Well done to Thomas who produced a detailed diary entry from the viewpoint of the young girl in the video.


Hola Mexico!

This week Rowan started their new topic: Hola Mexico!

We worked in team to create the Mayan structure ‘Chichen Itza’. Throughout this topic we shall be learning about the ancient civilization of the Mayan people and the cultures of Mexico. We can’t wait!


Coding in year 6!

The children have been spending time using the ‘Code for Life’ website to create sequences and algorithms to move a car to reach a destination. The children have been using the ‘repeat…while’ command along with other exciting instructions. Please ask your children about their enjoyment of coding in year 6!

Memorable experience – Hola Mexico!

This week in Redwood, we started our new topic of Hola Mexico! We introduced the topic by creating our own Chichen Itza temple out of newspaper and cardboard. The children worked very well in their groups. Well done, year 6! I hope you enjoy the topic!

Class assembly – October 2018






Year 6 completed their class assembly based on their Cornerstones topic ‘Revolution’ in October. The children had spent a lot of time learning their lines and singing their song ‘Food Glorious Food’. Well done year 6… here’s to another great topic with Hola Mexico in Autumn 2!!!