Memorable Experience – Darwin’s Delights!

To start off our new topic, year 6 spent the afternoon acting as Scientists! They were given information from Darwin’s research centre to explain that the data had been lost in relation to his theory of evolution. The children were given maps and information about finches to identify which finch belonged to which island.

The children worked with props (blue-tac, chopsticks and tweezers) to imitate life for the finches during Darwin’s exploration. The children worked well in groups and enjoyed acting as researchers!

A Child’s War – end of Spring 1

This half term, the children have enjoyed reading Goodnight Mr Tom as part of our topic ‘A Child’s War.’ This will form the basis for our World Book Day theme. The children can dress up as evacuees, billeting officers, members of the war effort or nurses/doctors from WW2.

In addition, the children have enjoyed learning about rationing, propaganda, air-raids and survival during the war. The children have also used their Literacy lessons to write balanced arguments about evacuation, diaries as characters from the war and learned about Anne Frank – a pivotal figure in history.


I hope the children look forward to our new topic, ‘Darwin’s Delights’ for Spring 2. We have started to cover this already during Science lessons but we will delve deeper into the importance of evolution!