This week’s learning

Reading: complete 30 mins of Read Theory each day

English: we are using the following video to plan and write a setting description. Use the attached word bank to help you.—fi-shed.html


we are looking at algebra this week. Use the attached video to help you solve the sheets attached.

Week 2 Spring 2 homework


Co-ordinate re-enter co-operate co-own identity leisure forty harass frequently familiar explanation occur

Reading (complete the sheet with two ** on. Challenge – complete three ***):


If the above maths is too tricky, complete the attached:

Don’t forget to post on Seesaw

Week 1 Spring 2 homework


Transfer  transferred transferring referring refer referred  prefer preferred preferring  confer conferred conferring

Reading (complete the sheet with two ** on. Challenge – complete *** ):


If the above maths is too tricky, complete the attached below:

Don’t forget to post on Seesaw

DT in year 6

Over the last half term, we have been developing our DT skill of sewing. We have been working on threading through the eye of a needle, tying knots and practising running stitches and cross stiches.

Our end product has been a name label similar to what children would’ve had in WW2 when they were evacuated. We are very proud of the resilience and determination some children have shown as we understand sewing can be a bit daunting! Well done year 6!!

Week 6 homework

Spellings: hesitancy relevancy vacancy dominancy abundancy  develop opportunity parliament government guarantee excellent exaggerate

English: complete the sheet with two ** on. Challenge – complete the sheet with three *** on


complete the attached arithmetic

If you find the maths tricky, complete the attached sheet

Don’t forget to post on Seesaw

Home learning – week 5


This week we have continued with our text Goodnight Mr Tom. Complete 30 mins per day of Read Theory – login in your reading record.


This week we have planned and written a balanced argument using impressive openers about why evacuation was or was not a good idea. Have a go at writing your own using the points to help:


Angles. Watch the videos to help and complete the sheets on angles