The Chicks!


On Thursday we were lucky enough to get to see the fluffy, curious critters that we know as… CHICKS! Miss Giles was excited to hold a new baby boy and when she did, her beautiful, blue eyes were full of joy and happiness (they lit up like a shinning star). We also all loved to see them.


By Kiana & Isabelle C

Year 6 Revision Classes




Now we are only a few months away from our SATs test, we have really upped our effort and commitment to success in year 6 by hosting and attending two additional revision classes. They are hosted by Miss Giles, Miss Jennings and other staff volunteers every Wednesday (maths) and Thursday (Grammar, Spelling & Punctuation) in Redwood and Rowan at 3:20-4:15.

Our first two sessions went exceptionally well this week – all children worked very hard, including the learning mentors who helped some groups out with some trickier questions. We also had Miss Lambert, Mrs Archer and Ms Tuck from year 2 come and help with the sessions! Of course we had light refreshments for all to keep our brains active after a long day at school.

I would like to say a huge thank you to all children and staff who came – I am so pleased with your positive attitudes and help.

Over to you…

What would make the sessions even better?

What topics do you need covering in maths?

What topics do you need covering in GPS?

Is there anything else we could do to support you both in and out of school?

Parents – is there anything we can do to help you support your children for the SATs?

Miss Giles


In PSHE, we have been looking at the importance of money and different ways of spending, budgeting and saving. We also looked at different jobs and their salaries, which was interesting to find out! Using our literacy skills, we then held a debate to discuss the motion: Should a new supermarket be built on Melbourne Park? We thought about the pros and cons of this situation and who may propose or oppose the idea. What do you think?..

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Revision, revision, revision!

Today and yesterday, half of our Year 6s attended Maths and GPS revision classes, to give them some additional preparation time for the SATs. They all worked incredibly hard and shows how committed they are to improving their learning. Also, we had some children give up their spare time, in order to mentor other children because they felt particularly confident with either subject. Lead by their mentors, children worked in teams to work through revision packs and rewards were available for our hard workers! Well done to all of you that came, you have made the school very proud!

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Baby Chicks!

Well, today has been a very busy day for Year 6! This morning, we got to visit the baby chicks that have hatched in Year 1. Mrs Saveall told us a little bit about them and we asked her some questions we had about them. They were incredibly cute – Miss Giles and I even got to hold one! Would you like to hold one? You may get the opportunity next week as a treat!..

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How has Essex changed over time?

Today in Geography, Rowan had to research the physical and human geographical features of Essex in the past and today. Using their notes, they then had to present their findings to the rest of the class. Here are some pictures of the wonderful presenters!

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Dodgeball Tournament by Melodie & Sophie

On Wednesday 13th January, Redwood and Rowan battled in the dodgeball court! The winner got to give the loser a forfeit but sadly Rowan won(6 4). However, Redwood dodged the forfeit as the day was over! Muwahaha!

“It was challenging but fun!”Isabelle C, Redwood

“It was fun because it was cool to see the classes play against each other” Nathan, Rowan

Rollercoaster Debates in Redwood


In class this week we have been writing balanced or discursive arguments titled ‘Are Rollercoasters Good for You’. Following the recent incident in the news at Alton Towers, we decided to explore the pros and cons of these mechanical beasts. Using our finest debating skills, we tested out our thoughts and theories in front of the class and battled it out! The consensus in Redwood was that rollercoasters ARE in fact good for you, but we did have some very compelling arguments for the opposition.

What are your views?

Who do you think was particularly successful/persuasive during the debate? Why?

Did you enjoy debating?

Miss Giles

Storyteller visit to Year 6


On Thursday 4th February we had a storyteller called Peter come and visit the whole school for National Storytelling Week. He was very funny and engaging and told us two short stories in an exciting way. When we got back to class, we were able to recall of the key parts of the stories he told – which proves how good he was. We discussed what makes a good storyteller and how important voice intonation is when trying to keep your readers engaged.

Who thinks they would like to do some storytelling?

How do you think we should arrange it?

Miss Giles