Writer of the week 15th March 2019

This week, the Writer of the Week goes to Dean for writing a descriptive comparison focusing on life of animals before the ocean was polluted and how the animals feel now. Below is example that he wrote including repetition, ambitious vocabulary and emotion:

I used to be able to swim through the ocean in peace. I used to be able to dance around through the coral. I used to be able to swim around wherever I wanted. I felt happy swimming through the oasis. Happiness filled the ocean. Everyone would admire us as we swiftly swam through cyan-blue water. The waves would splash above me as I peacefully swam around without any worries. Until one day…

World Book Day

Today in year 6, the children dressed up linked to our previous topic. The children came in a variety of outfits: army officers, evacuated children and characters from ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’.

Following this, the children came up with questions to ask a guest speaker in the afternoon: a lady who was the daughter of an evacuee. The children posed their questions to her and found out more about what it was like to be evacuated. They were extremely respectful and showed a positive attitude towards the session. Well done, year 6!