Friday’s learning (1st May)

Let’s go home learning team! It’s Friday! English, Maths and PE.


Read the texts and answer the questions linked to the text.


It’s challenge time! When in class, the children in year 2 love a challenge. It’s a chance for children to use their new knowledge and apply it to solving problems. It says challenge 1,2 and 3 are suitable for year 2, but why not have a go at working as a family to solve as many as possible?

Click on the picture to go to the website


Clear some space, put on some music and DANCE! You can follow this link to get some inspiration for dance moves. This song is a song from the football World Cup 2018. I’m really missing sport, especially football. This song brings back great memories and instantly makes me happy. Have fun!

SeeSaw comments

Aarav, thank you for sharing all of your work from this week. Some great Maths work using dinosaurs to help you. I’ve not read the ‘Storie Treehouse series’ but I am glad you are enjoying it. I always choose the books that make me laugh. Well done for completing the Geography sheet. How did you research the cities you didn’t know? Some great English work this week too!

Rebecca, thank you for your voice message today. I miss all of you too. I’m sure your friends feel the same. Remember you can leave messages on the blog. Also, if parents have phone numbers or email address of other parents, maybe you could video chat eachother or keep in touch somehow? Thanks for sharing your spellings and your Geography work.

I love your interactive globe, Jenson. What a great way to learn information about all of the countries. Some super work again with Maths and English today! Some more mystery solving for you today as well. I never trusted Happy!

Jess, it’s great to hear from you and see what you have been up to. Your plant picture diary is a great visual way of showing the stages of plants. It will be great to see how each of your seeds grow. Are you putting them in different places or keeping them all in one place?

Hi Bea, some more great work from you today. You have worked very hard on your Maths lessons.

Showing great progress with your length work in Maths, Alice. Good use of your Barbies to help you. How did you find out all of the capital cities? Did you know some of them before you researched them?

Jerusha, it’s great to see all of your work from today. I really like your sentences, especially the one where the animals played in the garden because it was sunny. If only it was sunny today!

Lovely to see what you’ve been up to today, Jonathan. How did you research the capital cities? Did you use the internet? A globe? A world map? A brilliant attempt at your sentences too.

Hi Lois. A great use of the world map to help with locating the countries of Europe. Does that map tell you the capital cities as well? I might need to get one of those for our classrooms when we are all back. Some great sentences from you today as well. I hope you told your family the difference between coordinating and subordinating conjunctions and the puppy let you get on with your work, just for a little while?

Lots of Maths work from you today, Riley. I hope you kept out of the puddles today? I tried to avoid them today on my run but still got soaked in all of this rain!

Thank you for sharing your Geography and English work today, Isabel. It’s great to hear that you and your sisters are working hard and motivated at home to keep on learning.

Sophia (or is it Alice in Wonderland today?), you have worked really hard today. Does your globe tell your the capital cities as well? I really need to get a new map and globe for our classrooms! Well done for showing resilience with your Maths today!

Kaysey, well done for completing all of the capital cities of the European countries. How did you find them all? I enjoyed reading your sentences as well. Excellent use of conjunctions to add extra information!

I am still looking for the invitation creator from yesterday as well as a piece of work from today. It’s a small lined sheet of paper with Geography work and English sentences. Please comment on the blog so I can give you the credit you deserve for such brilliant work!

Thursday’s learning (30th April)

Wow. Thursday has come round quickly. Today we will be doing Maths, English and Geography.


It will have to be 2 Maths lessons today to be ready for the Friday challenge on BBC Bitesize.

Click on the picture to get to the website


Because Maths is a little longer today, a slightly shorter English activity for you.

Complete Dog’s sentences by adding information. Make sure the sentences make sense. Complete Frog’s sentences using the appropriate conjunction (because, when, if) to add extra information.


Joe Wicks has been asking lots of questions linked to capital cities during his PE workouts. It inspired me to set this task for you all. Some cities you may know, others you will need to research.

SeeSaw comments

What a busy day you’ve all had. With rubbish weather, sometimes it can get you down and you just want to sit in front of the TV, but it’s great that so many of you are showing resilience and continuing with your learning when you can. If you did sit in front of the TV today, that’s fine too. As long as you are healthy and happy, at the moment, that is what is important to us. Remember to say a big thank you to parents, siblings, grandparents, aunties, uncles and whoever is helping you with your learning and looking after you. They are doing a superb job and so are you!

How to Prepare a Vote of Thanks and Deliver with Confidence ...

Your walk this morning was very educational and a great way to apply your knowledge on plants, Bea. I agree that with less pollution, we might see healthier plants. I wonder if we could prove this somehow?

Well done on SpellingShed, Rebecca. Remember to keep working on those words we’re not quite getting yet. It’s good to see that you are working on your spellings using the apps we have at school. Thank you for sharing your answers to the questions for RE.

What superb learning you are doing today, Logan. You are making super progress with telling the time. You have completed spelling practice, times tables and given reading a tricky story with new words a good go. Thank you for answering your Ramadan questions. I can confirm they are all correct. What did you use to research your answers? Mrs P hasn’t taught me to use the hoover yet – I’m currently working on learning about the the washing machine…It’s not just school work we can learn at home, hey!

Great work with our Maths lesson today Alice. Its brilliant to see so many of you engaging with the work we are setting on the blog. If you find any brilliant apps or resources, please share them so we can help others with their home learning too. Your PE lesson looked fun. Maybe you could include your balloons at your Eid party you have invited us all to?

Tegan, it’s great to hear from you and see the work you have done for our Science work. I love you picture demonstrating what plants need to grow. I also liked the rainbow you included in your picture.

Well done for engaging in your Maths work today, Jerusha. It’s great to see you working hard this week! Thank you for your invite to the Eid celebration and well done for answering all the questions linked to Ramadan.

Sophia, you have worked so hard today. Some great Maths work, showing some brilliant handwriting when answering your questions and using some impressive art skills to create your invitation.

Riley, your Mum sounds thrilled that you got soaking wet in the garden and were aiming for all the puddles on your scooter today. I hope you dried and warmed up before completing your RE questions and completed your Science and Maths work.

Some super Maths work from you today, Kaysey. Great to see you are working hard at home!

Thank you for the invite to your Eid party, Molly. I look forward to all the food, games and prizes!

Did you find out who stole the medal, Jenson? I’m impressed with your seesaw skills – how do you record yourself over a picture? A great use of stickers and colour to make your invite to you Eid party. Well done on completing your Science and English work as well. All in a days work of a detective 😉

Jonathan, you have been really busy today! Some super Maths work linked to fractions, a fantastic labelled drawing showing your sunflower progress and answering all of the questions for RE.

Joshua, some brilliant Maths work from you today. You have worked really hard.

Thank you for invite to your Eid celebration, Dryden. Please save some sweets and food for me and Miss Fretton! Thank you for sharing your hard work in Maths and RE too.

There is one Eid invite that doesn’t have a name on it. It has used some bright star post it notes. I’d love to know whose it is so I can share it on Friday. Can you comment on this blog post to let me know? Thanks.

Wednesday’s learning (29th April)

It was originally going to be Geography today but we have Science and RE to cover with our sunflower catch up and questions from yesterday’s book. So today’s learning is PE, Maths, Science and RE.


Click on the picture to go to PE with Joe


The beauty of White Rose Hub Maths lessons is that you can pick and choose which lesson you want to do. You can follow the lessons we give or you can choose your own lesson. If you find the lessons too tricky, click here to recap learning from year 1 before moving onto year 2 objectives


Day 4

Draw an observational picture of the sunflower.

Use Miss Fretton’s photographs to help you draw and write the next day of your diary. What do you notice? What has happened? How tall is the shoot?


The questions you asked and answered using the story from Monday were fantastic. I have collated some of the questions for you to research and answer. Remember to write in full sentences.

  1. What is Ramadan?
  2. When is Ramadan?
  3. What does Eid Al-Fitr mean? When do Muslims celebrate Eid Al-Fitr this year?
  4. Do Muslims do the Maghrib prayer all the time or only during Ramadan?
4 Ways to Invite People to Like Your Facebook Page | My Business ...

Once you have answered the questions, you could create an invite inviting friends to an Eid celebration. Include what you are celebrating, what will be at the celebration and who will be at the celebration. We will share as many invites on the blog as possible. Please submit your invites onto SeeSaw by Thursday evening so I can share them on Friday’s blog post.

Seesaw comments

I record breaking 55 seesaw posts today. It’s been great seeing you all working so hard. Hopefully you were able to get outside at some point today even though the weather was not great.

I am very impressed with Jerusha, Jonathan, Riley, Molly, Alice, Dryden, Sophia and Jenson for working hard on your Maths lesson today solving measuring problems. This is a new unit to you all that we have not covered in school today, so very well done for showing resilience and a positive growth mindset.

Using video chat with grandparents to complete a spelling test is a very inventive way of learning and practicing them, Riley. I’m sure your Grandparents enjoyed seeing you and getting involved in your learning.

I have loved reading your creative writing sentences today Riley, Bea, Logan, Alice and Dryden. I can see some improvement in your handwriting when writing your sentences using the handwriting paper Jerusha, Sophia, Alice and Bea.

I’ve enjoyed seeing your gardening skills linked to our Science learning Alice, Jerusha, Rebecca, Laura, Bea, Jenson and Sophia. Thank you for sharing your pictures and diaries. Fingers crossed they get some sunlight after all of this rain today.

Thank you for all of your posts today Year 2. Remember to keep up the reading using Oxford Owl or your own reading books; Using hit the button to practice your times tables; and practicing your spellings using this list/game.

Tuesday’s learning (28th April)

Today we have Maths, English and Science. It’s still great to keep active though, so just because it is not on the timetable, make sure you get some exercise today too.


Today is lesson 1 of Summer Term week 2. We have skipped week 1 of Summer term, but feel free to use it as a recap of the fraction work you complete before the Easter break.

Click on the picture to go to the website


When in school, all children in Year 2 practice their handwriting in the morning. We’d like to point you to the handwriting policy on our website as a reference to support you when completing handwriting practice at home.

We have handwriting sheets ready for download below.

If you are unable to print these sheets, please use the handwriting policy to remind children of the cursive style when they are writing their sentences.

Creative writing

resource image

Question time!

What animal can you see in the picture?

Why has the bird suddenly swooped down towards the ground?

What is the other bird doing?

Do birds enjoy flying?

Would you rather be a bird or a human?

Where do you think this photograph was taken?

Sentence challenge!

Can you use adverbs in your writing to describe how something is done?

Can you use adverbs before nouns?

Can you use adverbs after nouns?

e.g. Swiftly, the bird soared towards the ground.

The bird soared swiftly towards the ground.


Sunflower diary:

Last week we planted our sunflower seeds. Let’s see what has happened this week.

Draw an observational picture of the sunflower.

Use Miss Fretton’s photographs to help you draw and write day 3 of your diary. What do you notice? What has happened?

SeeSaw comments

ideas for acknowledging good work - Google Search | Funny animal ...

Bea, Dryden and Riley, we are impressed with your resilience with telling the time and pleased you are making progress with it.

Jenson, Alice, Logan, Riley, Jonathan I have really enjoyed reading your questions and your answers. Some great ways of finding out the answers to your questions. Remember, you don’t always have to use the internet, it is good to use books or to ask others to help find out information.

A brilliant attempt at our grammar activity today Alice, Jonathan, Joshua, Dryden, Bea, Riley and Molly. Some super sentences written by you all.

I can see you have worked hard today, Lois. A great attempt at the challenge…how many goes did you have at trying to do it?

I am really enjoying seeing all of your different ways of getting active. Bea is walking today, Jenson has practiced his archery skills and Alice has completed some cosmic yoga. Remember, the work and activities we post on the blog are just ideas. If you have other activities that you enjoy and want to try, please do. We love to see the imaginative and exciting ways you are keeping active.

Week 2 home learning document

We have created a document for you to download at the start of each week. This does not require printing if you are unable to do so, as the children can use pencil and paper to complete the tasks on the screen. The tasks are either revision of what children have learnt already or linked to our current topics for children to be challenged and have opportunities to explore and research for themselves. We will continue to upload daily blog posts for those able to access interactive and online learning.

We would welcome suggestions from you to ensure we can support everyone with home learning. You are all doing an amazing job and if there is anything we can do to help, we are happy to do so.