Welcome back!

We have really hit the ground running and have already had a very busy few days! In maths we are learning all about fractions. This week we are looking at fractions of shapes and writing fractions. Next week we will be moving onto fractions of numbers. Can you remember what the top and bottom of a fraction is called?

In English we are learning all about instructions. Everyone has had a lot of fun giving and following instructions. Can you name what a bossy verb is called?

Tuesday morning was our first Muddy Adventure session. We all had an amazing time conquering our fears of climbing and jumping. Look at the pictures to see who got the muddiest!

Next Thursday 2nd March is World Book Day. I wonder what Julia Donaldson book character we will all be dressed in?

Watch our next post!

Happy reading.

Year Two Team.

What a busy half term!

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Wow! What a busy and hectic half term year 2 have had! We can’t believe how much learning we have fitted in. It is very pleasing to see everyone making progress in their learning. They have achieved this by  following our school values and the growth mind set philosophy.

During the Great Fire of  London Day, we learnt so much, such as, the fire started in a bakers owned by Thomas Farriner and the fire burnt for over four days. The experience allowed us to become apprentices learning many skills needed in 1666, such as, Weaving, Candle Making and how to make Perfume Bags. It was exciting and scary returning to our work benches in a smoke filled room. Oh no the fire was getting closer! Do you know how many people died during the four days of the fire?

Our science topic of Living Things and their Habitats has been interesting and we have learnt lots of new vocabulary. The first few weeks we explored things that are living, used to be alive and  have never been alive. We know when things are alive because of MRS GREN! Can you remember what this acronym stands for?

Both English and Maths have been just as busy. In Maths we have been learning all about money and 2D and 3D shapes. we  have enjoyed applying this new knowledge in problem solving. Additionally,  we have learnt all about exclamation sentences and expanded noun phrase. We can now use both in our writing. Can you post an example of an exclamation sentence or expanded noun phrase?

We look forward to next half term, which we are sure will be just as busy. Enjoy your half term holiday.

Ms Tuck & Miss FrettonIMG_4501[1]

Great Fire of London Day

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What a fantastic day of time travelling Year 2! We have been learning so much about life in London during the year of the Great Fire.

Can you leave a comment below sharing some favourite facts or telling everyone what you enjoyed the most during your special day in the hall?