How Does Your Garden Grow?

A very warm welcome back after the Easter holidays.

It was so lovely this morning to see all of the Year 2 children so happy and excited to be back in school and so ready to learn.

This term our topic is ‘Scented Gardens’ and we will be exploring and investigating lots of exciting things to do with plants and our gardens.

The children were amazed this morning to find that giant bean stalks had grown through both floors and ceilings of the Year 2 classrooms and want to investigate to see if they have reached into key stage 2!

In English this term we are looking at the story of Jack and the Bean Stalk, the children came up with some fantastic vocabulary this morning to describe the giant leaving all of the teachers in awe!

Since a giant bean stalk has erupted into our classrooms we thought that in maths we would use this opportunity to look at measurements and we will be seeing how much we have grown over this term.

During science we have started to grow our plants for the garden.  We have made environmental plant pots today into which we have sown sunflower seeds, over the next few weeks we will be planting cress, runner beans and also making a pizza garden.  We are also keeping a weekly diary on the progress of our sunflowers.  I wonder how tall they will be by the summer?

In art, we are going to be looking at different artists who paint flowers, we will then be painting our own masterpieces in the style of Vincent Van Gogh and painting our very own ‘Sunflowers’.

What an exciting half term we have to look forward too.