Year 2 blog

Year 2 are not using their blog at the moment. They have moved back to paper for homework. Keep an eye on the website’s Highlights page and the school Twitter page for photos of events and activities in school.

Year 2 home learning


Read the text and answer the questions linked to the text. You can do all of the passages OR choose your challenge. They get harder the further you move through the blog.


Solve this number square by putting the parts in the right place. This will help with your counting, number sequencing and place value.

100 Square Jigsaw (


In Year 2, we have been learning to persuade people using our writing. Could you write 5 sentences to persuade someone to buy a fan?

Why should I buy it? How would you describe it? You could use this hot weather to further convince me…

Year 2 are athletes!

On Tuesday 7th June, Year 2 went to Chelmsford Sports and Athletic Centre to compete in the annual Minigames run by the Chelmsford Schools Sports Partnership. We ran races, danced and rode on balance bikes as well as horses, unicorns, elephants, tigers and zebras.

Friday 4th February 2022 – Number Day

We looked at odd and even numbers today. Can you complete the odd/even number sheet?

We then looked at some of the things we learning in Year 2 in our Maths lessons. We challenged ourselves to some tricky questions. Can you solve these?

In the afternoon, we are detectives. Someone has stolen to football trophy! Can you solve the calculations to help solve the clues? You have a list of suspects. After each page of calculations, you will have a clue. Use the clues to work out who stole it! You might need an adult to help with some of the instructions.

Download the mystery sheet and clues here.

If the link doesn’t work, here is an alternative below:

Home learning – 2nd February 2022


We looked at arrays today. Array is another word for a row. We can use arrays (rows) to help us solve multiplication sentences.

Watch this video up to 5 minutes and then write 2 multiplication sentences to match the array on the worksheet. You can draw around all the rows and the columns you see to help you.


We started to write a newspaper report based on Shrek today. It’s quite tricky to write a newspaper report when you haven’t been with us to know the features and structure of a newspaper. Have a look at the mini test sheet to test your tense knowledge (present and past). For question number 1, can you then write a sentence using each past tense verb?