End of Term!

IMG_3195Our caterpillars have formed pupas and we are looking forward to watching the butterflies emerge. Will we see any butterflies before Easter?

Year 2 have had a great week of learning by taking part in lots of science activities. We also had a fantastic Sport relief day. Birch and Bonsai had an epic Dodge Ball match, with Birch emerging winners. Watch out for the rematch!

Have a Happy and safe Easter Holidays.

Have you met our Postman?


Can I introduce you to a new member of our school? Postman Ted has joined Lawford Mead Primary and has been visiting some children in Year 2. Unfortunately, Postman Ted can often get in a muddle and has been known to drop his letters for Counting Street all over the floor! He sometimes finds he can’t remember where to post them and has needed the help of some Year 2 pupils to sort them out in order.
Have you seen him? Look out for some more chances to help Ted sort out his post coming soon…

Science Week

Today in Year 2 we were investigating ‘How to make the best Parachute’.  We tried using different materials cut into different shapes and then tested them to see which material travelled the slowest to the ground.

Can you remember which material made the best parachute.

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Writing Challenge

Hello Year Two



Look at this fantastic fairy tale story by Frankie in Birch class. She included lots of amazing word choices, with a good story structure, as well as writing beautifully!

Next week we would like to publish some fantastic writing from Bonsai class.