Wednesday’s learning (1st July)

HOW is it the 1st July already? I cannot believe how quickly this year is going.

We will be doing Maths, English and PE today (English is a little bit longer today so PE will be a welcome movement break afterwards I think).



Read these diary entry extracts and try and figure out these 3 things:

Which tense is a diary written in? (past or present)

What is the same about the way the diaries are written? (think about who they are writing the diary to and how the writer speaks about themselves)

What is different about the way the diaries are written? (think about the feelings and emotions)

Then, we’d like you to look at these 4 sentences. Are they from a diary or not? How might you change the sentences to make them fit into the way diaries are written? I have done one for you as an example.

e.g. He stumbled across the pebbles to get to the ice cream cart.

This sentence ISN’T from a diary because it is not written in FIRST PERSON (I, we, us). I need to change the pronoun (He) to make it first person.

e.g. I stumbled across the pebbles to get to the ice cream cart.

  1. I travelled to the beach by steam train.
  2. He looked both ways and crossed the road to get closer to the sea.
  3. After lunch, the two boys paddled in the shallow part of the sea whilst Andrew hid under the parasol.
  4. The donkey rides were amazing. I had never ridden on a donkey before and it was exhilarating.


Seesaw comments

It was great to welcome some of you back today but it’s also great to see that the home learning hasn’t stopped for a lot of you either! Well done to all that have submitted work in today.

Thank you for sharing your story with us, Dryden. Also, your sunflower has grown amazingly tall! It’s great to see your confidence growing in front of the camera as well!

Some more super times tables work today, Jonathan. What a strange method to work out your addition calculations…did David teach you that? Looks like a Year 3 method to me – you’re getting ready to be a Year 3!

I love how passionate you are about your Minecraft creations, Logan. Thank you for sharing it with us and giving us a tour.

Hi Jenson. I get excited when Mr Amazon knocks on my door too. There is just something about receiving parcels – it’s like Christmas and Birthday rolled into one! A great recount of building your creation with superb description. Well done! Some awesome Maths work AND a pretty cool beach bottle too.

Wow Saskia, you’ve been really busy today. Your first page of your story is really good – the 2nd page uploaded really tiny so I couldn’t read it. Please don’t leave me in suspense – could you upload the 2nd page again for me? Well done for completing your Maths as well. Your lego structure is VERY impressive.

Hi Henry. Well done on completing your Maths. We completed the same sheet in school today and found find 2 ways to balance the scale to 40kg quite tricky. Well done for persevering! Thank you for your English writing too – I really enjoyed reading it.

Thank you for sharing your English work today Aarav. I’m so glad you got to complete it as it will be helpful for tomorrow’s learning if you have read and completed the diary questions. Do you think it’s fair that women and men couldn’t go into the sea together and had to be separated?

Tuesday’s learning (30th June)

Tuesday GIF by Adventures Once Had - Find & Share on GIPHY

Our work will be slightly different this week. It’s Maths AND English; however, English will be based on our topic with build up towards writing a final piece at the end. Because of this, there won’t be as much topic or foundation (History/Geography) work set. We may still set RE, Science, PE and Art sometimes but on some days, English may take longer so we will set each day accordingly.

Those children in school as of today will be completing the work put on this blog. Any extra work you can do at home is great, but there is no expectation for this to happen. Maybe some times tables/phonics play games/spellings as a warm up before coming into school if you have time.

Today it is Maths, English and Science.



resource image

During lockdown, I’d assume a lot of you have been busy playing and building with lego. For those children who have been building with lego, I want you write about your creation. You may have built a rocket, a tower, a house or even a complete village. Remember to use adjectives to describe it to us. Could your creation be involved in a story? You could include instructions on how to build this lego structure? Be creative with how you could share this creation with us through your writing.

For those that haven’t played or built with lego, I have given you some inspiration with the picture AND this story starter for you to continue…

Story starter: As soon as their delivery of building materials had arrived, the team set off to work. It looked like the clouds in the distance were beginning to spit rain down at the sleeping countryside, so they knew they must work quickly and effectively. The team were confident however: this was not their first giant Lego structure…


We want to see updates of your plants for your Science lesson. How tall are they? Have you grown any fruit or vegetables? My carrots and pak choi are ready to be pulled and eaten now; how are your plants doing? Take a picture, draw a picture, write a description – choose an inventive way to share your projects with us. We are excited to see all of your updates.

Seesaw comments

Windy Just ALittle Bit Windy Today GIF - Windy ...

A much different day today weather wise. I hope you all kept safe with these winds. We are looking forward to welcoming some of you back tomorrow afternoon.

Jenson, some great reasons for why you would and wouldn’t want to go back in time to a Victorian seaside town. What would you have instead of fish and chips? Thank you for submitting your Maths work as well today.

Hi Saskia. I can only assume the picture of you at the beach was taken over the weekend? Unless you found a really sunny patch somewhere along the coast today? Thank you for sharing your English and Maths work as well today. Your seaside in a bottle is awesome!

Do you not like clowns, Jonathan? I don’t like clowns either. I don’t find them funny – just scary! Some awesome Maths and English work today and great work with your spellings!

Hi Dryden. Thank you for submitting your Maths and English work today. Some good reasons why you would and wouldn’t want to go back in time to a Victorian beach. Keep those reasons in mind for our writing later on this week.

Jerusha, thank you for sharing your English and Maths work today. What about all of the things the child wrote/spoke about in their diary? Your reasons tell me that you wouldn’t like to visit a beach but what about a beach during Victorian times? Think about the bathing suits, the donkey rides and the bathing ‘machine’.

Hi Henry. Some awesome Maths work shared from you today. Well done. Also, well done for completing all 3 levels of our grammar mats. You have been working hard!

Hi Bea. It definitely was a great day to fly a kite. Mrs Gibbs said today it was a kite flying kind of day so I think Reception children went outside to fly a kite too. I hope you enjoyed it.

Hi Logan. A great use of scales and number lines to help you solve problems linked to mass. The train and donkey ride are two reasons why I’d like to go to a Victorian seaside as well.

Riley, it seems to me that you just love the beach. Am I right? Victorian or modern, you just love the sea! I hope you still managed to keep active today with all this wind? Well done for completing your Maths and English work.

Hi Alice. I really like and agree with your reasons for why you would and would not like to visit the Victorian beach. Well done for completing your Maths work today as well.

Hi Aarav, some great Maths work today. I am really impressed with your approach to tackling the problem solving. Thank you for sharing. I hope you had a great day.

Lois, thank you so much for sharing your work with us today. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow where some more great work can continue! Please see the next blog post to explain updated expectations as some of us are back in school from tomorrow.

Monday’s learning (29th June)

We are looking forward to welcoming some of you back to school tomorrow. For those that are staying home still, we will still be on the blog and updating your learning resources daily. We will also continue to comment on your seesaw posts; HOWEVER, please ensure your seesaw posts are uploaded by 3:30pm each day as we will be commenting on them from school as of today.

Maths, English and PE today.



Following this link will take you to a Victorian child’s diary all about them going to the beach. There is also an audio file of a child reading the diary to help you understand as there are some words that are quite tricky.

Read the text, listen to the person reading it and answer the following questions.

What date was it when Rob couldn’t sleep?

Was Rob allowed to paddle in the sea?

Who lifted Rob and his brother onto the the donkeys?

Who bought Rob a net and a bucket?

Would you like to go back in time and visit a Victorian seaside town? Write 3 reasons why you would like to and 3 reasons why you wouldn’t like to.


Joe Wicks goes live at 2:40pm today. There will be an alternative PE lesson for Friday as 2:40pm is not an ideal time for some people, although please remember, you can watch the workouts at any time after they are online.

Seesaw comments

Illumination Entertainment Dance GIF by Sing Movie - Find & Share ...
It’s the Friday dance!

So yesterday I was wishing people a relaxing weekend. I genuinely thought it was Friday yesterday. A shock this morning! I still want you to have a relaxed, enjoyable weekend but unfortunately you have to wait A LITTLE BIT longer. Sorry!

Another great day for learning. Let’s go!

Jenson, well done for giving the Maths challenges a go. I tried doing Question 1 with Year 1 and it was a really tricky question. If they all get harder as you move along, it must have been REALLY tricky! I hope you enjoyed crabbing – was it at Maldon?

Jerusha, thank you for retelling the story on our story map. Could you create a story map for the paddington story and retell that as best you can too? Well done for completing your Maths work as much as possible as well!

I love your Paddington story map, Jonathan. A really good attempt at the measurement challenges today. They were so tricky I thought. Great resilience. Well done! It looked like you and David had great fun in the paddling pool today.

Some super Maths and grammar work today, Laura. It’s great to see the brilliant work you are doing at home. Keep up the passion and resilience in your work and we look forward to seeing you next week.

Hi Aarav. I am impressed with your own story map and written story. I like the use of adjectives in your writing. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Well done for completing some of the Maths challenge today, Henry. I found them quite tricky today and my Year 1 group did also. Thanks for showing resilience and sharing your work with us today.

A well deserved SPOTW award for you, Riley. I got up at 6am to run but then the rain and storm came (I’ll find any excuse). I’m very impressed with the routine you and Liam have stuck to (and Mum/Dad too). Well done for completing your work today.

Some awesome work today, Alice. I like the videos you submit to show off your brilliant reading. Such a great way to share your great English work. Well done having a good go at the Maths challenges today.

Hi Logan. Well done for finishing off a brilliant week on a positive today. I’m glad you’re still enjoying the book. Have you almost finished it? Have a great weekend.

Friday’s learning (26th June)

Dance Dancing GIF by Snapple - Find & Share on GIPHY

My goodness! Another Friday has arrived without warning. Please enjoy the sunshine but be safe! I have been caught out twice in the last two weeks with not wearing sun cream! It hurts so I would recommend hat, sun cream and lots of water!

As it’s such amazing weather and we want you to relax ready for some of you to return to school next week, It will be Maths, English and then FUN to finish off the week!


Remember, question 1,2 and 3 are suitable for year 2, but it’s always good to challenge ourselves. Give as many of them a go as possible!


A slightly different English lesson today. You need to listen to this story (I think even Mums and Dads will recognise this story). After you’ve listened to it once, we want you to draw a story map. We have done this before with some of the stories we read in school. It really helps us to understand what has happened and the order in which they happened. I will put up an example further down the post.

Here is a simple story map of Goldilocks And The Three Bears:

After you have drawn your story map we would love to hear you try and retell the story as much as possible.

Have a brilliant weekend and we look forward to welcoming some of you back on Tuesday. The blog will still continue for those that are still home schooling.

Take care, Mr P and Miss Fretton.

Seesaw comments

Hot Weather GIFs | Tenor

A less busy day on seesaw today. Understandable due to the heat over the last 2 days. Thank you to those that have sent in work today. For those that haven’t, I hope you have had a relaxed day and are well. 🙂

I love the use of alliteration in your Acrostic poem, Molly! It’s a really effective technique to use in poetry. Thank you for sharing your reading comprehension today as well.

Echoing waves is a great way to describe the sea, Jenson. Thank you for sharing all of your brilliant work today. You must have been up early to get all of this work submitted before lunch time! I think you wanted to get into that pool!

A busy morning for you Jerusha. Thank you for sharing all of your Maths work with us as well as your reading comprehension. I really enjoyed your acrostic poem, especially the ‘In the depths of the sea lay amazing shells.’ Well done.

Hi Henry. What a lot of work you have done today. I hope you kept cool with an ice lolly like your acrostic poem suggested! I could have done with an ice lolly today. Mrs P made me do the gardening this afternoon!!

Surely it was a bit too hot for your early morning bike ride/scoot/walk today, Riley? I really wanted to run this morning but it just wasn’t happening! Well done for suffering the heat and completing all of your work today. I especially like the ‘shimmery, beautiful sea’ line in your poem.

It’s great to see you are still working hard, Jonathan. Thank you for sharing all of your brilliant work. I hope you got to have some fun in the sunshine today?

A busy day for you again today, Alice. Thank you for showing resilience and working hard on your Maths. How are you finding the measuring unit? I like measuring, but I sometimes find it hard to be accurate when measuring for baking cakes. They always go wrong! I really enjoyed your poem, especially the ‘Sea sparkling in the sun’. A great use of alliteration!

Hi Dryden. I love the seaside bottle. It’s a brilliant attempt and something you should be proud of! I haven’t got round to making it as I couldn’t find a funnel (Mrs P didn’t let me as she knew I’d make a mess without one). Thank you for working hard on your English and Maths as well.

Lois, what a fun filled day you’ve had. That water slide looks so refreshing! If everyone had one of those in the garden…or even at work…it would certainly make this heat more bearable. Thank you for sharing all of your brilliant work today. Enjoy your weekend.

Some more awesome work from you today, Aarav. Thank you for writing so beautifully and writing your reading comprehension answers in full sentences. It shows that you have fully understood what you have read and it’s great practise writing in sentences. Have a well deserved rest this weekend.

It’s great to hear you are becoming a measuring ‘expert’ Logan. Full credit goes to your home tutors, obviously! That seaside holidays then and now book will be FANTASTIC for next weeks learning! A great day of learning Logan, well done!

Thursday’s learning (25th June)

Maths, English and PE today.



Some quick reading comprehension activities for you today. (We have run out of topic English activities, so we will restart next week with some structured writing based on Beachcombers.

After your reading comprehension, complete this acrostic poem template. Use words or sentences that begin with the letters: S-E-A-S-I-D-E to create a poem.


It’s Wednesday’s workout, but you’re going to do it on Thursday instead. If you’ve already done this workout, then I don’t see any harm in doing it again….or maybe you can do your own PE lesson? We will schedule PE in line with Joe Wicks’ schedule next week.