Today’s learning 19th July

In maths we looked at volume and worked out how counting cubes could help us calculate this. Take a look at the video below to show how this can be done.

We then looked at applying this skill to solve fluency and problem solving questions.

In English, we started our two day write of a narrative describing setting, character and atmosphere using the story image and story starter below.

Today’s learning 16th July 2021

In English, we completed our Mighty Oak presentations to the class. Can you use the toolkit features of eye contact, gesture, voice and movement to present the story you had been rehearsing in school this half term?

In maths, we explored the inverse relationships between multiplication and division. We applied our understanding to solve different questions. For example how could we work out 5 x ? = 80 (We do this by 80 / 5 = ? = 16)

Try to apply this to solve the challenge questions below.

If you fancy an even harder challenge involve long multiplication and long division, have a go at the following. You will need to use a calculator to check your answers.

As you know Friday is the day for a reading assessment. Read the following text about the Wimbledon tennis championship and answer the questions below.

Today’s learning 15th July

In maths, we looked at the reading of time tables as they are all around us, for example for catching a bus or a train, TV schedules etc. We looked at solving some fluency and problem solving questions related to time tables, being careful to remember that there are 60 minutes in an hour.

If you want a real extra mind blowing challenge have a look at the extension task below

In English, we completed writing our balanced argument from the previous day. We then talked our argument out loud to a partner to see where edits and improvements could be made and then rechecked against the features checklist to make sure all the elements had been included.

Today’s learning 14th July

In maths, we looked at converting units of time and applying these to problem solving activities.

Using the grid below to help you, have a go at solving the following challenges.

If you would like an additional challenge have a look at the extension below.

In English we started writing our balanced argument using the theme that was planned yesterday. Don’t forget to include all the elements of the success criteria below.

Today’s learning 13th July

In Maths, we looked at converting metric units of measurement to imperial measurement. Have a look at the conversion chart below and have a go at converting these Guinness World Record statistics into metric measurements.

In English, we planned our balanced argument, using the template below. It was important to be clear and group our arguments for and against our chosen subject so they would be in separate paragraphs. The options were:-

  1. Should we still have school uniform?
  2. Should we be able to have mobile phones in school?
  3. Should we have a break time in the afternoon?
  4. Should we be allowed to have a class pet?

Remember to always plan using bullet points and not write in full sentences.

Week 5 Homework

Have a go at the following activities and then submit your work on Seesaw, using the Seesaw code that has been stuck into your Reading Records. You can complete it either on a piece of paper or by printing the sheets:




Have a go at these reading and SPaG activities:


Your maths homework for this week, involves a recap of a number of different operations and challenge questions.

There are also a number of prime number riddle challenges to have a go at solving. 

The answers are attached at the bottom of the sheets or as an additional document – no peeking!!

Don’t forget to use Times Tables Rockstars and Spelling Shed. Also, write in your Reading Record when you read at home, then put all of your work on SeeSaw.

Miss Mullinger and Miss Busby