Year 5 blog

Year 5 are not using their blog at the moment. They have moved back to paper for homework. Keep an eye on the website’s Highlights page and the school Twitter page for photos of events and activities in school.

Extra science challenge to complete at home!

Your science topic this half term is ‘Properties and changes of materials’. Look around your home.

  • What different materials can you spot around your home or in your garden?
  • Are they hard, soluble, transparent, conductive or magnetic?

10 dojo points for aspiration if you complete this extra science challenge! You can complete on a piece of paper or record on Seesaw.



As we did last year, we will be uploading homework weekly on the blogs for you to access. In some circumstances, we will issues paper copies of homework to some children. In order for us to check the children’s homework, we have created individual Seesaw codes for the children, so they can scan their own code and take a photo of their homework to submit, and we will be able to see it in school. If you are unsure how to use Seesaw, you can follow the steps below or watch the video:

To sign in with a Home Learning Code:

  1. Open the Seesaw class app.
  2. Tap “I’m a student”.
  3. Tap the blue “scan code” button and scan the Home Learning Code or type in your Home Learning Text Code. 

In year 5, we will be setting maths and English homework on a Thursday and it will need to be completed by the following Thursday morning. Your child’s work will then be checked by staff in school.

Reading Records and Reading Books:

Children are expected to read at home every night and their Reading Record bought to school daily so we can keep a log of who is reading at home for our Reader Leader award! When your child has read at home, the reading record can be filled in by the adult who has listened to them read or by the child themselves if they have read alone.

Children will choose books that are appropriate to their reading age, with guidance from staff in school, which will be sent home. They can also read books they have at home too. When they have finished reading a book from school, the child needs to bring it back to school so it can be returned and the child issued with another book.

Today’s Remote Learning – 19/07/22

Reading – 30 minutes of reading your own book. Try and find a cool, shady spot to do this.

English – Watch the video clip from yesterday of Tadeo Jones, only up to 5 minutes. Start writing your story thinking about using adverbial phrases, expanded noun phrases and relative clauses. You do not need to complete the whole story today, there will be chance to complete it tomorrow.

Maths – Today we will be looking at converting units of time. Watch the video clip of this below and then complete the associated questions.

Topic – You have opportunity to find out about society within Ancient Egypt. See the document below with some starting points and basic information. Can you complete the Society triangle? Decide on which particular aspect of society that you are interested in and research more about it and write a small paragraph sharing the information you have found out.

Today’s Remote Learning – 18/07/22

Reading – 30 minutes of reading your own book. Try and find a cool, shady spot to do this.

English – Watch the video link for Tadeo Jones, only up to 5 minutes. Remember the key skills we used when writing our story about the Archaeologist, his camel and the pyramid. Think about the setting, character and atmosphere. Plan your write using the picture images. Remember this is bullet points and not full sentences. You will have chance to start writing this tomorrow.

Maths – Consolidate your understanding of converting measurement. Recap by watching the video about metric units and complete the worksheet below.

German – Take a look at the website link below and choose a German activity of your choice.

Week 6 Homework


bargain, bruise, category, cemetery, committee, communicate, community, competition, conscience, conscious, controversy, convenience


Have a look at the two different writing challenge cards. Choose ONE of these to complete. Don’t forget to use all the rules of grammar and writing techniques you have learned during Year 5.


Complete the questions below.