

As we did last year, we will be uploading homework weekly on the blogs for you to access. In some circumstances, we will issues paper copies of homework to some children. In order for us to check the children’s homework, we have created individual Seesaw codes for the children, so they can scan their own code and take a photo of their homework to submit, and we will be able to see it in school. If you are unsure how to use Seesaw, you can follow the steps below or watch the video:

To sign in with a Home Learning Code:

  1. Open the Seesaw class app.
  2. Tap “I’m a student”.
  3. Tap the blue “scan code” button and scan the Home Learning Code or type in your Home Learning Text Code. 

In year 5, we will be setting maths and English homework on a Thursday and it will need to be completed by the following Thursday morning. Your child’s work will then be checked by staff in school.

Reading Records and Reading Books:

Children are expected to read at home every night and their Reading Record bought to school daily so we can keep a log of who is reading at home for our Reader Leader award! When your child has read at home, the reading record can be filled in by the adult who has listened to them read or by the child themselves if they have read alone.

Children will choose books that are appropriate to their reading age, with guidance from staff in school, which will be sent home. They can also read books they have at home too. When they have finished reading a book from school, the child needs to bring it back to school so it can be returned and the child issued with another book.

Homework and reading in Y5


As we did last year, we will be uploading homework weekly on the blogs for you to access. In some circumstances, we will issues paper copies of homework to some children. In order for us to check the children’s homework, we have created individual Seesaw codes for the children, so they can scan their own code and take a photo of their homework to submit, and we will be able to see it in school. If you are unsure how how to use Seesaw, you can follow the steps below or watch the video:

To sign in with a Home Learning Code:

  1. Open the Seesaw class app.
  2. Tap “I’m a student”.
  3. Tap the blue “scan code” button and scan the Home Learning Code or type in your Home Learning Text Code. 

In UKS2, we will be setting maths and English homework on a Friday and it will need to be completed by the following Friday morning. Your child’s work will then be checked by staff in school.

Reading Records and Reading Books:

Children are expected to read at home every night and their Reading Record bought to school daily so we can keep a log of who is reading at home for our Reader Leader award! When your child has read at home, the reading record can be filled in by the adult who has listened to them read or themselves as they are becoming more independent in UKS2.

Children will choose books that are appropriate to their reading age, with guidance from staff in school, which will be sent home. They can also read books they have at home too. When they have finished reading a book from school, the child needs to bring it back to school so it can be returned and the child issued with another book.

Homework and reading


As we are trying to avoid cross-contamination of objects between home and school, we are now going to be uploading homework weekly on the blogs for you to access. In order for us to check the children’s homework, we have created individual Seesaw codes for the children, so they can scan their own code and take a photo of their homework to submit, and we will be able to see it in school. If you are unsure how how to use Seesaw, you can follow the steps below:

To sign in with a Home Learning Code:

1.      Open the Seesaw class app.

2.      Tap “I’m a student”.

3.      Tap the blue “scan code” button and scan the Home Learning Code or type in your Home Learning Text Code. 

In year 5, we will be setting maths and English homework on a Monday and it will need to be completed by Friday morning. Your child’s work will then be checked by staff in school.

Reading Records:

As well, we will be sending home Reading Records for the children to keep at home for now. When a child has read at home, the reading record can be filled in as before, however, rather than sending the reading record back into school, your child can take a photo of their reading record (as shown above) showing us what they have read or leave us a comment telling us directly on the app. That way, we can continue to keep a log of who is reading at home for our Reader Leader award!

Reading Books:

For the moment, children will be choosing books, with the guidance from staff in school, within their class libraries, to avoid cross-contamination from different bubbles within the school. These will be making their way home to you over the coming weeks. If your child brings a book home to read and finishes it, they can bring it back to school the next day and the book will be quarantined for 72 hours before being returned to the class library. Your child can then choose another book to read at home. Of course, a child can also read a book from home too! As well as physical copies of books, we have also signed up to Oxford Owl and Epic where children can access lots of e-books to read online (we can give guidance of what level books the children should be reading via your child’s Seesaw page if needed). Here are the log in details:

Oxford Owl – Phonics books:


You can log in using this username and password by clicking on the ‘My class login’ button on the Oxford Owl site.

Username: UKS2readers
Password: books

Epic: https://www.getepic.com/?utm_channel=search&gclid=Cj0KCQjwy8f6BRC7ARIsAPIXOjjY6YOiw3Wl-nbvohaMRFutAL1b6s8ja9TksAs-BJ-rP3wC4XLDOYAaAsE5EALw_wcB

Children should then choose an appropriate reading book for the age.

Responses to questions from your letters…

Thomas – I am glad you are excited to come in to year 6! In answer to your questions, Mrs Dockerill – as we said on the zoom call earlier – will be having a group of 20 children (from Redwood and Rowan called Rosewood) in the Orchard Room every morning, then Mrs Wilson will be teaching Rosewood on a Friday morning. The work in Year 6 is there to build on all prior learning throughout your KS2 experience, accumulating in your end of KS2 assessments (SATs). We pride ourselves in Y6 on pushing children to reach their full potential so hopefully you are ready for the challenge 🙂

Edward – So far we do not have any new children joining the class but potentially we will throughout the year as we will have space. In year 6 we will study the topics mentioned on the zoom earlier and also build on prior learning in all key areas. I did not have the opportunity to do 11+ exams when I went to school – or that I knew of!

Erin – our first class book is Street Child linked to the Victorians. Maths is not set but I am hoping you will find the work challenging enough so that you feel you are making progress. Also, our first Science topic is Light but we are mixing it with Earth and Space as there were some missing objectives from y5 due to Lockdown so we want to make sure you are taught everything you need before the end of Y6. My top three animals are penguins, cats and giraffe. I like all the Harry Potter books but I also enjoy any books that have a plot that keeps me hooked! Ohh I don’t know what I would do if I wasn’t a teacher.. maybe something in medicine? When I was younger I always wanted to be a doctor!

Thank you for your letters.

Keep the letters coming Y5 🙂

What I want my teacher to know…

Hi year 5,

I mentioned this on my new class zoom a moment ago (Miss Caldwell will mention tomorrow also). If you can, fill it in and upload on to Seesaw for us to look at – don’t forget your name! That way we can start getting to know you before welcoming you back in September 🙂

Stay safe,

Miss Cope

Personal books

Hi year 5,

we are busy sorting out classrooms ready for September and we have come across many books that may belong to you…

If you know your own, personal book was in your tray (not a library book) please comment below with its title and I will make sure we put it in your Y6 tray 🙂

Miss Cope

Secret Garden audio

Hi year 5!

I have managed to find an online audio book of your class text for this half term. It is in chapters so you can listen or read the text – it’s completely up to you! Once you have listened, press the ‘next’ button and it will take you to the next chapter.

Listen before bed, at the dinner table, in the garden or on your headphones as you go for a walk (while also staying safe near busy roads!) Where else do we like to read or listen to books? Let us know on Seesaw 🙂

Enjoy 🙂
