Year 5 writing challenge – 31/3/2020—fi-shed.html

Literacy Shed is a wonderful visual resource for writing. Give the video ‘The Planets’ a watch. Your writing challenge for this week is to write a description of each planet using noun phrases (see image below to remind yourselves),full sentences and parenthesis (extra information added to a sentence using brackets, dashes or commas). Don’t forget to use some ambitious vocabulary to make your planet descriptions engaging…

Please add your writing to the seesaw account for year 5.

Happy writing!

English at home: further links 31/3/2020

Hi year 5!

We have managed to find more books available for free:

Not only this, there are 10 minute author challenges available on the following website:

A new challenge is added daily so try and fit them in to your daily routine. Share on the seesaw link we have previously blogged about: We would love to read your challenges!

A way for us to see all of your wonderful learning at home!

We have created a way to share some of your brilliant home learning with us!

This is what you need to do:

  1. Download ‘Seesaw Class’ app on a tablet or phone.
  2. Select ‘I am a Student’
  3. Scan the QR code

To post a picture of your work:

  1. Select the green plus at the top of the page
  2. Select ‘Photo’
  3. Take a photo of whatever you want to share with us and then select the green tick
  4. Choose which class you are in and then the green tick again

NOTE TO PARENTS: Children are familiar with SeeSaw as we use it in class.

Things you should know:

  1. We have made this secure so no-one else can access your work or pictures.
  2. You will not be able to see other children’s work and others cannot see your work.
  3. Because it is secure, you will not be able to see your work once you’ve submitted it BUT don’t worry, we will still be able to see it but PLEASE make sure you add your first name (not surname but initial is ok if you share the same first name as another child in year 5).

We look forward to seeing your work and you enjoying your learning.

Ms Archer and Miss Knight

Home learning reminders…

Just a little reminder about the engaging links I have mentioned over the past week or so to support your learning:


Times Table Rockstars –

5 a day corbett maths – (selecting bronze or silver)

Carol Vorderman’s maths factor – (selecting upper KS2)

White Rose Hub learning –


David Walliams Elevensies –

Free children’s books on Audible –

English / writing-

Use Literacy Shed videos to write diaries, recounts, narratives, newspaper reports, non-chronological reports, settings/character descriptions! The ideas are endless!

Pobble365 –

Spelling Shed –

New week, new picture news!

This week’s story: How people are keeping their spirits up in changing times!

Question: Can you think of ways to remain positive during difficult times?

Watch the following video for a virtual assembly all about this week’s news story! You may need to pause the video to give yourself some more time to think about the questions!

Here are some additional ideas for you to have a go at!

Home learning: German

This website is great and has lots to do, from finding out about Germany, to learning lots of new language.

Explore the sections on Find Out, Make and Do, Games and Quizzes, Stories and Songs, Fun with German. 

Practise the topics you have learnt this year on – most of you have used this website in class. You click on Topics and choose a topic, do the tutorial and then play the games. If you are wanting a challenge, choose a topic you haven’t learnt yet and learn some new words. 

You could try and cook a German recipe with the help of an adult of course. There are lots of recipes on this site. Take a photo of what you make to show us.
You could find out about one of these topics and do a project on it: German cars, German sports stars, German football teams, a town or region in Germany……

Viel Spaß! (Have fun!)

Frau Lees

Edinburgh live zoo cam

The above link is to Edinburgh Zoo: they are encouraging people to watch the animals live to see how they are getting on. What is your favourite animal?

  • Could you write a non-chronological report about one of them?
  • How about a diary entry as the animal you have been watching?
  • You could watch an animal for 15 minutes and compare its movements to another animal you have been watching?
  • How about a character description?

Enjoy watching these fascinating animals!

Maths home learning

The above is a link to White Rose maths which are offering home learning opportunities. Not only do they offer tasks and sets of answers, they are offering videos to demonstrate the skill to support your learning. Please use this time – year 5 – to continue to develop and practise the skills you have become used to practising in class – particularly recent use of decimals. Any questions? Just ask! Keep me updated with how you are doing 🙂