Tuesday’s Learning (9th February)

Rolling Tian Tian GIF

Good morning Year 2. We hope everyone had fun in the snow yesterday. Well done for completing work as well yesterday, we were very impressed!

Here is your learning for today.


In phonics we are going to continue to look at the alternative ‘ar’ Grapheme again. Today we would like you to read the text and play phoneme spotter. See if you can circle, underline or list all the words that include an ‘ar’ grapheme. Remember you can check your answer on Phonics Play.



In Maths we are looking at using the multiplication symbol to represent equal groups today.

Image result for multiplication vocabulary ks1

Above are a variety of ways we can verbalise the use of the multiplication symbol and this might help with your learning today. Below is the normal white Rose Hub video to support your learning. Also included is a teaching video linked to most of the questions on todays worksheet. I have included similar examples for you to watch and pause if you want or need to.


In English today we would like you to describe that mean, ferocious Troll.

We have provided some vocabulary choices but obviously you can use your own brilliant ideas. Watch the video below to find out more and to support your learning. Watch out through I am not sure who is modelling your writing today!


In RE over this term we have looked at special books, festivals and prayer for some people. Today we are going to look at a special person for people who follow the religion of Sikhism. We would like you to read about this special person for Sikhs called Guru Nanak and then answer questions linked to what you have discovered.

Friday’s Learning (15th January).

The Lion King Dancing GIF by disneyjunior

I can not quite believe it has been two weeks already since the Christmas holiday! We would like to thank each and everyone of you for all your hard work at home. Year 2 you have been amazing and worked really hard over the last two weeks. Families thank you so much for all your hard work and support you are giving your children. We certainly could not do this without you! We hope you all have a lovely restful weekend!

Mathematics: We have some statistic challenges for you today! Part of the challenge is to have a go at writing your own question for the data on the work sheet. Think about what type of questions you have been answering this week to help you. (some key words: most, least, fewer, more and difference).

Spelling: Homophones part 3! We are just looking at a few more homophone spellings today. Have a go at reading them and spelling them correctly. Then have a go at writing the correct missing word in the sentences and writing your own sentences.

English: WHAT HAPPENED NEXT! Our story of Knights and Dragons Unite ended with a talent show but what happened after this? It is your turn to write a new adventure for Aristar and Sir Gorrell ……….. What new adventure will they go on? Will they come across another problem ? Will it have a happy end? It is up to you but remember to write in full sentences with capital letters, full stops and of course beautiful handwriting. It would be great if you could include some of those adjectives you used earlier in the week too. We look forward to reading your new adventure story.

PSHE: We would like you to think about what the word success means today. What does success look like? When do you feel like you have been successful? How did it make you feel?

Thursday’s Learning (14th January).

Thursday GIF by MOODMAN

Good Morning everyone. Just a reminder for your families- We know how hard year 2 have been working this week. If you would like to nominate your child for a reward on Friday and to possibly be mentioned in this weeks Friday assembly then head over to the Mr Poyton’s blog to leave your nominations.

Mathematics: We are moving on to block graphs today. These are similar to pictograms but instead of drawing a picture to represent each item you colour a block (section) in instead.

Spelling: Today we are going to look at more homophone words.

English: We have looked at our story The Knights and Dragons Unite a lot this week so we would like you to write a book review about it. Think about did you enjoy the story or not and would you recommend it to anyone else to read. You will also need to think about what the story is about, where is it set and who the characters are in the story. Obviously still remembering to write in full sentences using beautiful handwriting.

PE: We thought it might be nice for you to be active today. We have given you a set of circuit training cards for you to follow. You can either select a few of your favourite challenges and set up a station for each one (hopefully outside) and then complete as many times as you like. Or you can just pick a few activities and do them one at a time. Have fun!

Wednesday’s Learning (13th January).

Teddy Bear GIF

Can you believe it is Wednesday already this week! Well done for all your hard work so far this week. It has been great to see so many of you on zoom and pictures of you and your work on Seesaw.

Mathematics: You are going to interpret pictograms today. Remember to look really carefully at the key on the pictograms as you will find each picture will represent more than one. Again you will need to think about counting in your. two’s, five’s or ten’s.

Spelling: Today we are going to look at High Frequency Words (words that often appear in most texts). You have the choice of 2 different challenges today. The first challenge is from the first 100 High Frequency Words and the second is from the next 200 High Frequency words.

English: Today you have some grammar questions linked to our story Knights and Dragons Unite! You will need to use the story to help you answer the questions. Some questions will ask you to find adjectives (words that describe nouns) and nouns (person, place or thing). Some questions will ask you to think about the past tense ( write words as if it happen yesterday) or present tense (write words as if it was happening today).

Science: Today we are going to look at what diet (food eaten) animals including humans have. This comes under three different categories: Carnivore, Herbivore and Omnivore. It will be your job to use the information given to you to decide which animal comes under which category.

Tuesday’s Learning (12th January).

Good Morning GIF by GIPHY Studios Originals

Hello everyone! What a great start to the week yesterday, well done.

Just another reminder: Topmarks hit the button and Daily ten are great activities for you practise some extra mathematics.



Mathematics: Continuing on with Tallies and pictograms today. However you are going to need to think about counting in 2’s. 5’s and 10’s when recording today. So far we have looked at how one tally mark is represented (shown) on a pictogram as one symbol or picture. Today we are going to look at how more than one tally mark can be represented by one picture EG: 2 ice creams recorded on your tally will be represented with one picture of an ice cream on your pictogram. This is because your picogram scale will be counting up in 2’s instead of 1’s.

Phonics: We are continuing to investigate the alternative ‘ee’ grapheme. Today we would like you to complete the word sort activity. Again you can use your own paper for this. Once you have completed this you can play the word sort game on Phonicsplay. It will help you check your answers as well.


Once logged into Phonicsplay choose phase 5 resources and then scroll down until you find the game above. Choose the word sort game today.

English: Last week you began to think about adjectives that might describe a dragon. Well today and linked to Yesterdays story we would like you to use the word bank provided to describe the dragon in our story (The Knights and Dragons Unite!).

RE: Last week we looked at your favourite words. This week We would like you to think about what your favourite book is and why it is your favourite book. It might be a book you share with your family or it might be a book your were bought as a present. Also Can you think of a song, rhyme, poem or prayer that is special to you or your family. It might be special because you share it with your family. It might be linked to an activity you enjoy or a sport you watch. If you have one you could record it on Seesaw for us to listen too.

Monday’s Learning (11th January).

Hello GIF by curly_mads

Good Morning Year 2. Hope you all had a lovely and restful weekend?

Extra curriculum ideas for home! Good news everyone Joe Wicks is back, he will be doing his PE lesson live on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday’s at 9am every week while home learning is taking place. If you are unable to watch live then you can re-visit his You Tube channel later that day.


Furthermore, CBBC are offering curriculum based Television programmes for all primary school children to access. Below is this weeks schedule.

Mathematics: This week we are continuing to look a statistics. We thought you might enjoy creating your own tally chart and pictogram today. Below are templates you can print out or draw on your own paper. To create your own you will first need to decide what your topic is going to be such as favourite colour. Then choose say 4 categories (item) in that topic to collect your data. I have given you a few suggestions on what your topic might be on the sheets below. If you are looking for an extra challenge you might want to write some questions about your data EG: What is the most popular colour? Enjoy!

Phonics: We are going to look at all the alternative ways to spell the ‘ee’ grapheme. Today you will need to read the short text and either highlight each word with the alternative ‘ee’ spelling pattern in or write the words you find on your own paper. To support your work you can play the alternative ‘ee’ game on Phonicsplay. You can also use the game to check if you found all the words with the alternative ‘ee’ grapheme in, on today’s activity.


Click on link. Once logged in click on resources and then phase 5. Scroll down until you see the picture above.

English: This week we are going to look at a story called Knights and Dragons Unite! Today you will need to read the story ( you may want to read it with someone in your family) and then answer some questions about it. On the work sheets below is the story and three different level questions. The first set of questions provide the least challenging task and the last set of questions are the most challenging. You choose which set of questions you want to attempt ( you only need to do one set). The answers have been included so you could have a go at marking your own work and edit answer if needed.

History: Can you label the castle with all its features? Use the word bank on the work sheet to correctly label all the parts of a castle. If you are unable to print the picture out then you can draw a castle and label all the features. See if you can draw all the features outlined in the words bank in your own drawing.

Friday’s Learning (8th January).

well done good job GIF by Party Legends

Well done to all of Year 2 and all of your families. You have done a great job this week with home schooling!

It has been fantastic to see so many of you on zoom this week. From tomorrow if you can try to bring some paper and a pencil to the meeting so you can join in with some of the activities.


Today we are going to interpret pictograms. This means we are going to use the information recorded on a pictogram to answer questions. Remember to read the questions careful and check your answers.


We are going to look at a spelling pattern called homophones today. Homophone means words that sound the same but are spelt different and have different meanings. EG: blue and blew.


Sentence challenge: Look at the picture of the dragon can you think of some adjectives (describing words) and some verbs (action words) to describe it. Then your challenge is to use some of your adjectives and verbs to write sentences that describe the dragon.

Sick Sentences: Here are some sentences that are not very exciting. Your second challenge is to improve them. You may want to add in some of your adjectives or verbs from the first challenge.

Remember to focus on your capital letters, full stops and handwriting as well.

D&T: Build your own castle using your design from Monday if you have not already. It can be made out of any recycling you have at home, Lego, building blocks, paper or it could be a den using your own bedding. If you have already completed this then maybe you could write some labels for all the castle features you have included on your model. Or maybe you could do some more research about castles. You could choose to do some extra reading, go onto spelling shed or play some active games in your garden with your family.

Thursday’s learning (7th January).

Happy Good Morning GIF by Omer Studios

Well done everyone for all your hard work so far this week. You are doing a fabulous job!

Remember you can still practise your reading using your own books from home and letting us know on seesaw. You can also still log into Oxford Owls and choose some fun books to read there to.


Today we are looking at a way of recording information collected from objects or even a tally. The way we are going to record today is called a pictogram. Pictograms are where you can represent how many of something you have using a picture or a symbol. You may need your tally knowledge to answer some of the questions today as well.


Today you again have a choice of two activities. Both activities focus on alternative ‘ai’ sound like yesterday.

Activity 1: Read all the words with ‘ay’ grapheme in and then decide which ones are real words and which are alien words. Remember to use your robot arms when blending your words.


Click on the link above to practise the ‘ay’ grapheme by playing Dragons Den (phase 5 ay)

Activity 2: Alternative ‘ai’ word sort. Sort all the ‘alternative ‘ai’ words under the matching headings. See if you can write some silly sentences using these words. How many of these words can you include in one sentence?


Click on the link to play word sort on phonics play.

English: Using conjunctions to join two ideas or sentences together. Conjunctions are words such as and, because or that. These words help us extend our sentences or join ideas together. This will be some new learning today so just give it a go and see how you get on. We will look at this again during Year 2. You can choose to stick to one challenge such as adding and to your sentences or having a go at more than one of the challenges. You choose which challenge is best for you.

RE: This term we are looking at special words, stories and books. Today we would like you to think about special words. Special words are words that make you feel happy and safe.


Great News everyone Phonics Play (on line interactive phonics website) has just released a new free username and password so you can all access their interactive games at home. https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/

Username: jan21 password: home

Furthermore if you have the old username saved (march20) this will also allow free access during remote learning.

We will suggest games to play linked to that days phonics lessons but feel free to try out other games as well. Happy phonics everyone!

Wednesday’s learning (6th January).

School Learn GIF

Good Morning Year 2


We are moving onto statistics (tally charts, bar graphs, block diagrams etc).

Today we are going to look at tally charts. (counting information and recording in groups of five as a tally). We will go through what tally means during todays zoom meeting or you can check out the knowledge organiser to give you further support (posted yesterday). You will have different questions to answer that will be linked to using a tally. Remember to read the questions carefully or ask an adult to help you read them.


Today is a reading task all about castles. There are three different levels so you can choose which level you would like to read and answer questions on. You only need to complete the one level you feel best suits you. The answers are included so maybe you could mark your own work like we do in the classroom sometimes before you post it onto Seesaw.


We have included some phonics for you to complete today. There are 2 different phonics activities so again you choose the one you feel best suits you. The first activity is looking at the alternative phoneme for ‘ai’ and is represented as ‘ay’ . You will need to fill in the missing words represented by a picture, be careful not all of them have the ‘ay’ sound in. You may want to practise this sound further by going to the Phonics Play website and playing buried treasure, phase 5 ‘ay’


The other phonics activity is an investigation. You will need to read a short piece of text. Then find all the words that include all the alternative ways of spelling ‘ai’ by writing down each word you come across. Once you have completed this you could put some of these words into sentences. You can also access the alternative ‘ai’ game on Phonics Play.


Today in history you are going to look at the different types of castles (designs) and see if you can put them in historical order (Oldest design to newest design). If you would like to, you could draw a picture for each design and label the picture with its design name. Maybe you could make a giant time line across your floor? I have included the answers so you can check once you have finished your time line.