Thursday’s Learning (14th January).

Thursday GIF by MOODMAN

Good Morning everyone. Just a reminder for your families- We know how hard year 2 have been working this week. If you would like to nominate your child for a reward on Friday and to possibly be mentioned in this weeks Friday assembly then head over to the Mr Poyton’s blog to leave your nominations.

Mathematics: We are moving on to block graphs today. These are similar to pictograms but instead of drawing a picture to represent each item you colour a block (section) in instead.

Spelling: Today we are going to look at more homophone words.

English: We have looked at our story The Knights and Dragons Unite a lot this week so we would like you to write a book review about it. Think about did you enjoy the story or not and would you recommend it to anyone else to read. You will also need to think about what the story is about, where is it set and who the characters are in the story. Obviously still remembering to write in full sentences using beautiful handwriting.

PE: We thought it might be nice for you to be active today. We have given you a set of circuit training cards for you to follow. You can either select a few of your favourite challenges and set up a station for each one (hopefully outside) and then complete as many times as you like. Or you can just pick a few activities and do them one at a time. Have fun!

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