Homework 6/12/21 – 10/12/21

Hello Year 3!

Here is your homework for this week. Remember to submit your work on Seesaw once complete, using the Seesaw code that is stuck into your Reading Records.

English: This week we are looking at adding ‘s’ or ‘es’ to a noun to make it plural. The last 3 words are from Year 3/4 spelling list.

  1. Practise your spellings for this week using look, cover, write, check. Practise each word 5 times and then put 5 of these words into sentences.

2. Practice your spellings on Spelling Shed (your username and password is stuck to your reading record).

3. Remember to read and record it in your reading record every night! 🙂

Maths: Times tables

Please continue to practise your target times table.

You can also go on these websites and practise! Remember, you have your times table rockstar’s username and password stuck in your Reading record Book!




For those of you who like to download the homework, please find the documents attached below.

Please remember, homework must be completed before Friday morning!

Mrs Dubey, Miss Smith & Mrs Jeffries

Today’s learning 3/12/21

English: Children continued with their story writing and wrote 3rd and 4th paragraph of their mythical story, .

Maths: In maths, we learnt dividing by 5 using sharing and grouping methods. Click on the link below to watch the video tutorial.

Have a go at solving some questions by clicking on the link below.

RE: In RE, we discussed the importance of a prayer and the reasons why people pray. Some of the reasons given by the children were: to be thankful, to ask for help etc. Have a go at filling the sheet attached below.

Today’s learning 2/12/21

English: Children continued writing their stories inspired from ‘King Midas and the golden touch’.

It was Art day at school today and we studied a very famous artist, Alma Thomas and taking inspiration from her work children created similar artwork. They used tissue paper, cut it into tiny bits and then stuck onto their pictures one by one! The pictures looked great!

Given below are some facts about her Alma Thomas and some of her works.

Today’s learning 1/12/21


Children wrote first paragraph of their story inspired from the ancient Greek myth, ‘King Midas and the golden touch’. They introduced their character, described him and wrote about the thing that their character liked the most! Children will evaluate their work once they’ve finished their story against the following check list.


We read the following text and answered the questions

Science: In science children explored magnets, learnt about magnetic poles and observed how magnets attracted and repelled. They initially predicted what will happen when north pole of one magnet and north pole of another magnet are brought closer – whether they will attract or repel. They filled their prediction in the table given below. After that they conducted the experiment to find out if their predictions were correct.

Conclusion: Like magnetic poles repel and unlike magnetic poles attract!

Today’s learning 30/11/21

English: We did an assessment on grammar, punctuation and spellings

Maths: We focused on learning and consolidating dividing by 2. We learnt how we can divide a number by 2 using sharing and grouping method.

Why not have a go at doing some questions by clicking on the link below:

Reading: We started reading chapter 5 of our whole class reading book and answered questions based on the text.

History: In history, we learnt about famous ancient Greeks and what they did to change history. Children read about a few of them and then made their information leaflet on their chosen one!

Click on the link below to see what things were invented by ancient Greeks.

Why not choose your famous ancient figure and write some information on the template attached below. Write his name in the top box, draw a picture of him in the box below and then write some facts.


Homework 22/11/21 – 3/12/21

Hello Year 3!

Here is your homework for this week.  We have given you longer than normal to complete it as we have a long weekend and we are also completing assessments!  Remember to submit your work on Seesaw once complete, using the Seesaw code that is stuck into your Reading Records.

English: This week we are again looking at homophones. The last 3 words are from Year 3/4 spelling list.

  1. Practise your spellings for this week using look, cover, write, check. Practise each word 5 times and then put 5 of these words into sentences.

2. Practice your spellings on Spelling Shed (your username and password is stuck to your reading record).

3. Remember to read and record it in your reading record every night! 🙂

Maths: Times tables

Please continue to practise your target times table.

ou can also go on these websites and practise! Remember, you have your times table rockstar’s username and password stuck in your Reading record Book!




For those of you who like to download the homework, please find the documents attached below.

Please remember to complete the homework before Friday morning!

Mrs Dubey, Miss Smith & Mrs Jeffries

Today’s learning 17/11/21

English: We learnt about conjunctions, with special focus on coordinating conjunctions.

Have a look at the following link to know more about conjunctions.


Have a go at completing the following activities:

Maths: In maths we discussed and learnt how repeated addition is the same as multiplication.

Why not have a go at answering some of the questions by clicking on the link below:

Reading: We continued reading our whole class reading book and answered questions based on the text.