Growth Mindset

In class we have been talking about Growth Mindset! We are watching a series of videos made by Class Dojo. Above is the first episode, all about how your brain works. Why not watch it again with a family member or someone at home and discuss these questions:

What was the biggest challenge you faced today?

What can you do when faced with a new challenge?

I would love to hear some responses!

Library visit

Today the Year 3’s visited our local library. Whilst there, we learnt how the library system works and what the numbers on the spines of books stand for! We learnt how to select the right book for us and had time to have a good look around. We found out that the library has a lot more to offer than books! Some of us even got to take some books out today. We would like to say thank you to Jenny for taking the time to talk to us.


Reading can be a fantastic hobby. Not only will you get to read a good story or find out some fascinating facts, you also learn lots of new words to use in your literacy work! My question to everyone is:

What is your favourite book?

Welcome back Year 3

Welcome back Year 3! We hope you had a fantastic Christmas and a happy new year!

It has been an exciting first week back in Year 3. We started our new science topic with a bang. The children in Year 3 had to become crime scene investigators…


We learnt all about the different ‘body’ parts of the plant and discussed how each part helped to keep the plant alive. Some of us even discovered who committed the crime…