Thursday’s Learning (11th February)

tom and jerry animation GIF by Boomerang Official

Hello everyone. Well we have nearly made it! Before We let you know about your learning for today we would just like to say we are so very proud of each and everyone of you. We have been so impressed with your aspirations and resilience you have shown over the last half term. You are all superstars! We would also like to send a massive thank you to your families for printing or writing out your work, supporting you with your learning, helping you come and join us on zoom and just for being there amazing selves. We really could not do this without you.

Digital Detox Day

Don’t forget tomorrow is digital detox day. We have uploaded some suggestions for you to follow if you choose on this blog so you do not have to go onto the blog at all tomorrow.


In phonics today we would like to become word detectives. Your mission is to find lots of phase 5 tricky words! First of all you have a picture and within this picture are lots of tricky words for you to find. Make sure you look carefully they are hidden very well! I think I have found 9. Next if possible we would love some help from your families. First of all we would like you to write out (spelt correctly) all the tricky words on the scavenger check list, on to bits of spare or scrap paper. Then ask a family member to hide them around the house. Your job is to find them, read them and then tick them off on your sheet or list them on paper as you find them. I wonder if you can find all of them?


In maths we are continuing with multiplication. Last week we briefly looked at arrays and we will be using them to day to help use represent multiplication. Remember array is just another way to show multiplication.

Image result for array

You can watch the white Rose Hub video to help support the start of your learning and then use my video to support you with the worksheet we are asking you to complete today. I wonder if you can spot who is lurking about in the background today!


For English today we would like you to bring together this weeks learning and write your own version of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We would like you to use your adjectives and keep the same structure as the story so you can split your writing up into smaller parts if this is easier. (goats arriving at the bridge, Goat taking it in turns to go across the bridge, the troll ends up in the water and the goats carry on to the nice green grass).


This week we have looked at different bridges around Great Britain. Today we would like you to design and if possible make your own bridge for a toy vehicle to travel over. When you design your bridge you will need to think about what materials you will use and how you will make it strong. If you look back at the pictures from yesterday, notice what shapes have been used in each design to help make it strong. Once you have thought about this draw your design. Finally make your bridge if you are able to and test it for strength using you chosen toy vehicle.

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