CSSP celebration event

Chelmsford School Sports Partnership, run by Sara Robson and Chris Huartson, co-ordinate most of the events that we take part in.  Without them and their organisation we wouldn’t have had the opportunity to participate in many of the events this year or be able to apply for our Gold Sports Mark. The Sports Partnership work with all the schools in Chelmsford and introduce the children to new sports, core values and competition.

On Monday 11th July Miss Chittick and Miss Lindsay attended a celebration event with Chelmsford Schools and the Sports Partnership to reflect on all the hard work and events we have done this year.  It was wonderful to see all the schools achievements and the achievements of the Sports Partnership.  As part of the celebration, awards were given out to schools, volunteers and coaches.  We are proud to announce that Miss Lindsay was given an award for ‘thanks and recognition of your dedicated contribution to PE and Sport’ from the Sports Partnership.

Miss Lindsay and Mr Moss have worked hard this year to ensure that we participate in as many events as we can and all the training and hard work is beginning to show as we are achieving better and better results each year. As with many things at school it is, as always, a team effort, Miss Lindsay and Mr Moss are supported by Mrs Baker and Mr Poyton who are always pleased to hear of our sporting achievements, the parents, volunteers and staff who give up their time to help support the children at events and at after school clubs, the Sports Partnership for arranging events and giving our children the opportunity to show their resilience and passion and our children for being enthusiastic and showing all the Lawford Mead values when representing the school, whatever the results were we couldn’t have  been proud of each and every one of you. A great big thank you and well done to all of you for this year!

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Dodgeball competition

On the 28th June we took a team of year 5 children to the Dodgeball finals at Great Baddow High School. The winners would go on to the County Finals. The pressure was on  this year as last year we won the competition and got to compete in the County Finals. We knew we would be up against some tough competition after competing against the other schools at the previous competitions.  After some tough, well played matches Lawford Mead didn’t lose a single game and came out as winners! This means Lawford Mead are off to the County Finals in January! Well done!It also means we retain the shield for a 2nd year running. Although we need to keep practicing as we are now against some tough competition from the other Chelmsford schools.

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