Monday’s learning 1/6/20

P.E. – Daily workout with Joe Wicks!

Maths – Click on the following link and watch the video of today’s learning, lesson 1 for week 6 – Tenths as decimals Then complete the work below.

English – Spelling:

This week we are looking at the suffix ‘ly‘. Suffix is a group of letters added at the end of the word to make a new word. Adding the -ly suffix to an adjective turns it into an adverb.

For example brave (adjective) + ly (suffix) = bravely (adverb)

Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps.

Remember to keep practising the Year 3/4 words too! You can find them here along with some fun ideas for practising spellings:

English – Reading:

Find your reading book, picture book or magazine and spend some time enjoying reading, either to yourself or to a parent. If you finish your book, write a book review:

German from Frau Lees:

Hallo liebe Kinder!

I hope you enjoyed seeing Felix and Franzi in assembly recently! I also hope you and your families are well and have enjoyed half term. Firstly, a few shout-outs from me for the work you did before the holiday. Well done to Asher in Year 3 for your work on days of the week. Also, well done to these children in Year 4 -to Jay P for a lovely creation of a face which was labelled in German; also to Olivia, Harley, Bethany, Liam A and Sophie. Keep up your brilliant efforts!

Viel Spaß! Have fun!

Frau Lees

Here are your German activities for this week. 

You will be practising numbers, colours and the question “Magst du ….?” (Do you like ….?) with foods and will have chance to practise your speaking skills. You will need: a piece of A4 paper, coloured pens and scissors.

  1. Watch this video on how to make a “chatterbox”. Follow the instructions on how to make it. You will be writing slightly different things inside it.
  2. Colour in the four squares each with a different colour (like on the video) and also write in German the colour (eg, rot, blau, gelb, grün, weiß, braun, schwarz, lila, rosa).
  3. On the small triangles inside (like on the video) write the numbers 1-8 and then write the German words for those numbers as well (eins, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, sechs, sieben, acht). To make it harder you could use higher numbers if you know them.
  4. Underneath the triangles, when you lift them up you are going to write some questions (not like on the video this time). Questions must all start with “Magst du…?” which as you know, means, “Do you like…?”. Here are some example questions to help get you started but you can use any food / drink words you have learnt in German: 

Magst du Orangen? (Do you like oranges?) Magst du Vanilleeis? (Do you like vanilla ice cream?) Magst du Erdbeere? (Do you like strawberries?) Magst du Zitronen? (Do you like lemons?) Magst du Ananas? (Do you like pineapple?)
5. How to play:
Ask a sibling or adult to choose a colour – say it in German. Spell out the colour whilst opening the chatterbox to the top and side. Now ask your partner to choose a number (in German). Open out the chatterbox to the top and side and count up to the number they have chosen.  When you finish counting, your partner has to choose another number in German. Open the flap under that number and read out the question underneath. Your partner can answer Ja (yes) or Nein (no) or they could say Ja das ist lecker (Yes that is delicious) or Nein das ist nicht so gut (No that is not good) – or other opinions you have learnt in German.
Finally: Here is a short clip of the panda cubs that were born in September at Berlin Zoo. This shows the first time they venture out.  If you enjoyed this, take a virtual tour of Berlin Zoo here and write down all the animals you see. How many of the animals can you say in German? Use an online dictionary or google translate to find out any you don’t know.

Berlin Zoo as seen by a Tourist (2015) I visited the world famous Berlin Zoo (Zoologischer Garten Berlin) in June 2015 and compiled this short video afterwards. I hope it gives you an idea how the Zoo looks like from the perspective of a visitor. The video was shot with Huawei P8. The first song playing in the background is Lee Rosevere’s “Biking in the Park” and the second song is …

Remember to put all your learning and amazing work on seesaw! Do not forget to put your name on it!

Mrs Dubey and Mrs Phelps

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